Page 16 - MEOG Week 10 2021
P. 16

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       COMPANIES                             ADES’ major shareholder, ADES      offer, from Dubai and London.
                                           Investments, wholly owns Innovative.   ENERGYVOICE
       Tethys gives production             Should the offer be approved, Saudi’s Public   DNO reports KRG payments
                                           Investment Fund (PIF) would provide the
       update                              funds for Innovative to acquire the shares.  DNO ASA, the Norwegian oil and gas
                                             ADES Investments owns 63.9% of ADES,
       Tethys Oil’s share of the production, before   while Zamil Investments owns another 4.9%.   operator, today reported receipt of USD
       government take, from Blocks 3&4 onshore   The latter has backed the sale.  42.4 million net to the Company from the
       the Sultanate of Oman amounted in February   The sale values ADES at $516 million,   Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), of
       2021 to 328,209 barrels of oil, corresponding   excluding treasury shares. The offer is a 40%   which USD 31.9 million represents DNO’s
       to 11,722 barrels of oil per day.   premium to ADES’ closing price on March 5   entitlement share of January 2021 crude
         Oil production in Oman is currently   and a 35% premium on the last 12 months.  oil deliveries to the export market from the
       subject to production limitations under   ADES listed on the main market of the   Tawke license in Kurdistan.
       the OPEC+ agreement. As a consequence,   London Stock Exchange in 2017. It acquired   Of the balance, USD 4.3 million is an
       production from Blocks 3&4 is subject to   34 rigs and has a particular focus on Egypt,   override payment equivalent to three percent
       limitations but is likely to fluctuate on a   although with some operations in Saudi and   of gross January 2021 Tawke license revenues
       monthly basis.                      Algeria.                             under the August 2017 receivables settlement
         The Official Selling Price (OSP) for Oman   The statement reported that the company   agreement and USD 6.2 million is a payment
       Export Blend Crude Oil for the month of   had performed well, EBITDA for instance   towards the Company’s arrears of USD 259.0
       February 2021 amounts to USD 50.00 per   increased from $80.3mn to $193.4mn from   million relating to withheld payment of
       barrel. The OSP, as published by Sultanate of   2017 to 2019. However, its share price has   Tawke license 2019 and 2020 entitlement and
       Oman’s Ministry of Energy and Minerals, is   fallen by 25.5% over the period and trading   override invoices.
       the benchmark price for Tethys Oil’s monthly   liquidity is low.           Monthly entitlement and override
       oil sales excluding trading and quality   This does not justify the costs associated   payments were withheld early last year by
       adjustments.                        with public listing, it said, and there are   KRG which was hit by lower oil revenues
         Tethys Oil AB, through its wholly owned   challenges around raising capital.  and economic dislocations triggered by the
       subsidiary Tethys Oil Block 3 & 4 Ltd, has a 30   Going private would allow a “longer term   Covid-19 pandemic. After a four-month
       per cent interest in Blocks 3&4. Partners are   approach to strategy and decision making”,   hiatus, entitlement payments were resumed in
       Mitsui E&P Middle East B.V. with 20 per cent   the statement said. The company would be   March 2020 and override payments have now
       and the operator CC Energy Development   more flexible and grow in neglected areas of   resumed with the January 2021 payment.
       S.A.L. (Oman branch) holding the remaining   the Middle Eastern market, for instance.  The arrears payment is the first received
       50 per cent.                          Within a year of the deal closing, ADES   under a KRG plan that, as from January
       TETHYS OIL                          would move its operational office to Saudi.   2021, if average Brent prices in any month
                                           The country recently set out plans requiring   exceed USD 50 per barrel, one-half of the
       Saudi wealth fund to buy            companies to have a local presence.  incremental export revenue will be paid to the
                                             Intro Investments Holding, which is
                                                                                Tawke partners and shared prorata to their
       ADES                                owned by Ayman Abbas’ family, has a 67%   interests in the license.
                                                                                  DNO operates and has a 75 percent stake
                                           stake in ADES Investments. Sky Investments
       Innovative Energy has made an all-cash $12.5   Holding, owned by the Hussein family, has the  in the Tawke license with partner Genel
       per share offer to take ADES International   remaining 33%.              Energy plc holding the balance.
       into Saudi Arabian hands.             Ashurst advised ADES Investments on the   DNO

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   10•March•2021
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