Page 14 - MEOG Week 17 2021
P. 14

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       Natural Resources, Pearl Petroleum will sell   cleaner energy, and supporting local economic   Ten artificial islands are being built and
       the additional quantities of gas to supply   development. The continuing receipt of   will eliminate the need to dredge over 100
       the power stations with affordable and   payments in a timely manner gives confidence   locations for wells and will provide habitats for
       environmentally cleaner fuel, and further   for our continued investment commitment   marine life, according to ADNOC’s website.
       enhance electricity supplies. Today over 80%   as we enter the next exciting phase of growth   Four artificial islands were built for the Upper
       of the KRI’s electricity generation is enabled   with the Khor Mor expansion, which will   Zakum expansion project, the world’s second-
       by the gas produced by the companies.  be carried out under strict health protocols   largest offshore oil field, it noted.
         Current production at the Khor Mor field   to ensure the safety of our staff and service   RAK will also benefit from the UAE’s plans
       is 440 million cubic feet per day of natural gas   providers.”           to build a national rail network, providing
       as well as 15,700 barrels per day of condensate   DANA GAS               an alternative to truck transport, S&P
       and 1,020 tonnes of liquified petroleum gas                              Global Ratings said in the April 26 report.
       (LPG), or a total of 110,400 barrels of oil   Ghasha project to support   Etihad Rail, which is developing the national
       equivalent (boe) per day, making it the largest                          network, signed an agreement in April with
       overall producer in the KRI and the largest   RAK economic recovery      Stevin Rock to lay down rails from RAK to
       private sector upstream gas operation in Iraq.                           Abu Dhabi and will transport an estimated 3.5
       After the KM250 train, there are plans to   Abu Dhabi National Oil Co.’s giant Ghasha   million mt of raw construction materials from
       add a further KM500 train which would take   ultra sour natural gas project will support   Stevin Rock’s Al Ghail quarry in RAK to Abu
       production to almost 1 billion cubic feet per   economic recovery in the UAE emirate of   Dhabi, according to the report. “This will take
       day by 2024.                        Ras Al Khamaih (RAK) where rock from the   500 annual train trips, decreasing the number
         Total investment to date exceeds US$2   world’s largest quarrying company will be   of truck trips required by 100,000 and thereby
       billion with total cumulative production of   sourced to build artificial islands offshore of   reducing the environmental impact of trade
       over 332 million barrels of oil equivalent   Abu Dhabi, according to S&P Global Ratings.  between the emirates,” S&P Global Ratings
       (boe), which has resulted in significant fuel   RAK’s economic growth will be 3% this   said.
       cost savings and economic benefits for the   year after a 5% contraction in 2020, S&P   S&P PLATTS
       Kurdistan Region and Iraq as a whole. In   Global Ratings said in an April 26 report.
       addition 43 million tonnes of CO2 emissions   Stevin Rock, the largest quarrying company
       have been eliminated by displacing liquid   in the world and 100% owned by the RAK   SERVICES
       fuels, which in turn has made a positive   government, will supply the rock to build
       contribution to tackling global climate change   artificial islands for ADNOC’s Ghasha gas   Drake & Scull eyes $476m
       as well as reducing local air pollution. Mr.   project, which will develop, drill, and produce
       Majid Jafar, CEO of Crescent Petroleum   gas from the Ghasha offshore concession, it   contracts in Iraq, Kuwait
       and Board Managing Director of Dana Gas,   said. By comparison, real GDP for Abu Dhabi,
       commented: “After a year of delay due to   which holds the majority of the UAE’s energy   Drake & Scull International (DSI), a market
       the COVID pandemic, we are pleased to   assets, will be a negative 0.5% this year after a   leader in electromechanical, integrated design,
       fully resume the KM250 expansion project   7.5% contraction last year, according to S&P   engineering, and construction, for water,
       to invest US$600 million and grow the gas   Global Ratings. But RAK’s nominal GDP   power and oil and gas sectors, said it has won
       production almost 60% within 2 years from   is $11 billion, compared with Abu Dhabi’s   big contracts in Tunisia, India and Palestine.
       now, supporting the local electricity provision   almost $229 billion.     The company is also bidding for several
       even further. Despite the challenges the whole   Ghasha is the world’s largest offshore   projects, valued at over AED1.75 billion ($476
       world has faced over the past year we have   sour gas development, and is expected to   million) in Iraq and Kuwait, which will add
       kept our operations safe and managed to grow   produce more than 1.5 Bcf/d of gas for power   to its financial fundamentals and operational
       production and we are grateful to all our staff   generation to more than 2 million UAE   excellence.
       and to the KRG for its support.”    homes by around the middle of the decade,   Strengthening its business in the
         Dr. Patrick Allman-Ward, CEO of Dana   according to ADNOC. To date, the concession   wastewater purification and pipeline extension
       Gas, added: “With our partners in Pearl   has attracted foreign direct investment from   sector, DSI’s growth is fuelled by the robust
       Petroleum we are proud to be investing   Italy’s ENI (25%), Germany’s Wintershall   performance of its subsidiary, Passavant
       further in the gas sector of the Kurdistan   Dea (10%), Austria’s OMV (5%), and Russia’s   Energy & Environment.
       Region of Iraq, delivering a reliable source of   Lukoil (5%).             DSI Chairman Engineer Shafiq

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