Page 14 - MEOG Week 09 2023
P. 14

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       TotalEnergies acquires UAE  NISOC to make progress on                    the production and processing capacity of
                                                                                oil and gas, constitute one of the goals of this
       assets from CEPSA                   new projects                         national plan.
                                                                                  What is the current status of the
       TotalEnergies has signed an agreement with   National Iranian South Oil Co. (NISOC)’s   development plan of 28 oil reservoirs? What
       CEPSA to acquire CEPSA’s upstream assets in   plan to develop 28 reservoirs, with the   has happened so far in the development plan
       the United Arab Emirates.           focus being on output preservation and   of 28 reservoirs is related to 26 reservoirs
         The French firm acquired a 20%    enhancement, is accelerating. Ali Reza   because one reservoir still does not have the
       participating interest in the Satah Al Razboot   Daneshi, CEO of NISOC, said that obstacles   permission of the Economic Council and a
       (SARB), Umm Lulu, Bin Nasher and Al Bateel   in the way of development of the 28   contract has not yet been concluded for one
       (SARB and Umm Lulu) offshore concession.   reservoirs, including contractors’ supply of   reservoir.
       The SARB and Umm Lulu concession    commodities and payment issue, have been   Contracts have been signed for the 26
       includes two major offshore fields. ADNOC   taken into consideration. He expressed hope   reservoirs in different ways since March 2019
       holds a 60% interest in this concession,   that the Nargesi, Kaboud and Lali Asmari   until December 2021.
       alongside OMV (20%). The concession is   fields would have been developed by March   “In NISOC, we have put all these projects
       operated by ADNOC Offshore.         2023.                                to a general screening. We required all
         TotalEnergies also acquired a 12.88%   Preserved and enhanced oil recovery   contractors to meet their obligations. On the
       indirect interest in the Mubarraz concession   constitutes the main development project   other hand, we also feel compelled to honour
       held by Abu Dhabi Oil Company Ltd   undertaken by NISOC in the aftermath   our obligations set forth in these contracts,”
       (ADOC), through the acquisition of 20% of   of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Spanning   said Daneshi.
       Cosmo Abu Dhabi Energy Exploration &   five southwestern provinces, the projects   Nonetheless, in the process of
       Production Co. Ltd (CEPAD), a company   are prioritised by Petroleum Ministry and   implementation of projects, some contractors
       holding a 64.4% interest in ADOC.  The   National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC). The   had weaknesses and they were helped to
       Mubarraz concession is comprised of four   primary objective of this projects is to ramp   overcome them.
       producing offshore fields.          up oil output by 341 tb/d, which would   Currently, 24 drilling rigs are operational
         “This transaction represents another   materialise with the development of 28   in the 26 reservoirs. So far, 42 wells have
       important milestone in our long-standing   reservoirs operated by NISOC.  been drilled while 20 more are being drilled.
       partnership with ADNOC and will further   Supporting domestic manufacturing by   Furthermore, 8 wells have been worked over
       strengthen our presence in Abu Dhabi,   requiring contractors to use domestically-  and one well is being worked over.
       where we have been present since 1939”, said   manufactured equipment and development   Well No. 6 of the Kaboud field in the
       Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of   of the surrounding regions by allocating 4%   Bangestan reservoir is the first well spudded
       TotalEnergies.                      of the project’s credit to social responsibility is   for boosting the output capacity. The well
         In partnership with ADNOC,        another goal of the project.         struck oil last April with a flow of 1 tb/d.
       TotalEnergies holds 10% in the ADNOC   In terms of the amount of investment,   The achievements from the successful
       Onshore oil concession, 20 % in the offshore   this project is considered the largest field   drilling of Well No. 6 of the Kaboud field
       Umm Shaif & Nasr oil concession and 5% in   development project in Iran’s southern oil   include gathering maximum new information
       the offshore Lower Zakum oil concession.  regions, consisting of 27 contract packages   about the extent and dimensions of the
         In addition, it holds 15% in ADNOC Gas   with an estimated investment of more than   reservoir, studying the output capacity of
       Processing, 5% in ADNOC LNG , 5% in the   $4.3 billion relying on the capabilities of   Ilam Formation of the Bangestan reservoir
       National Gas Shipping Company, and 40%   domestic companies.             of the Kaboud field, complying with
       in the Ruwais Diyab unconventional gas   Achieving the outlined goals in line with   environmental obligations, management of
       concession.                         the mission and vision of the Petroleum   wastes and NISOC’s transfer of knowledge
         In partnership with Mubadala,     Ministry, increasing NISOC’s maximum   and experience to private oil firms.
       TotalEnergies holds a 24.5% stake in Dolphin   efficient recovery, optimal management of   According to planning made, it was
       Energy, the first gas marketing project   production costs by using appropriate and   decided that by introducing structural changes
       between Qatar, UAE, and Oman (2007).  advanced technologies, renovation and   into NISOC and redistributing employer
       WORLD OIL                           reconstruction of existing facilities, use of   forces, the projects could be accelerated.
                                           well-oriented technologies in order to increase  Furthermore, such working groups as the
                                           the flow rate of the wells, use of facility-based   Financial and Commodity Working Group
       OIL                                 technologies in order to optimise and enhance   were established to explore and resolve

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