Page 8 - MEOG Week 09 2023
P. 8
Gazprom chief to visit Iran for talks
IRAN ALEXEY Miller, the CEO of Gazprom, is sched- In July last year Gazprom signed a memoran-
uled to visit Tehran on this week to hold discus- dum of understanding (MoU) with the National
sions with senior officials of Iran’s oil and gas Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC) covering investment
sector. worth around $40bn.
The Iran embassy in Moscow has confirmed During a virtual ceremony on July 19, a deal
this news and said that the talks will focus on was signed by NIOC CEO Mohsen Khojaste-
future co-operation between the two countries. hmehr and Gazprom deputy chairman Vitaly
Ahead of his trip to Iran, Miller held a business Markelov that will include field development,
meeting with Kazem Jalali, Iran’s ambassador product swaps and the completion of midstream
to Russia, during which the two sides discussed projects, including LNG facilities and pipelines.
energy co-operation, particularly in the field of Khojastehmehr described the deal as one of
gas. The meeting saw the two sides evaluate their the biggest foreign direct investment (FDI) deals
bilateral co-operation in the oil and gas sector in the history of Iran’s oil industry and said: “The
within the framework of the agreements reached National Iranian Oil Company does not ignore
during previous meetings. any investment opportunity.”
Jalali highlighted the all-round development That MoU covers the development of the Kish
of co-operation and viewed Gazprom’s involve- and North Pars gas fields, pressure enhancement
ment in Iran’s oil and gas projects as beneficial at the supergiant South Pars gas field and the
and fruitful. development of six undisclosed oilfields.
For his part, Miller expressed his willingness The parties will also engage on gas and prod-
to continue energy talks with Iranian authori- uct swaps, while Gazprom will work to com-
ties. He also discussed the challenges facing the plete LNG projects abandoned when sanctions
European energy market due to wrong decisions were imposed on Iran in 2012 and construct gas
made by the European Energy Commission. export pipelines. The deal also covers scientific
Local media were quick to emphasise the sig- and technological co-operation.
nificance of Iran as a strategic partner for Russia In this form, the deal encapsulates several of
in the energy sector, while highlighting the col- the key areas of focus outlined in a 2018 agree-
laboration between the two countries in the field ment between the same parties. At that time,
of oil and gas, which is expected to strengthen Moscow was reported to have signed deals
in the future. Mehr News quoted official sources covering 17 fields, while the Russian firms had
as saying that the talks are anticipated to foster public deals in place for studies at another 10.
greater co-operation and open up new avenues Kish and North Pars are seen as the key fields
for collaboration in the energy sector, which will for supplying the incomplete Iran LNG facility
be beneficial for both countries. at Tombak Port.
Iraq mediates in latest Iran-Saudi talks
IRAN/IRAQ/SAUDI IRAN and Saudi Arabia are set to hold new the past decade, including in Yemen and Leb-
rounds of talks aimed at easing tensions between anon. In 2019, the Iran-backed Houthi militias
the two countries, with Iraq acting as mediator. in Yemen targeted Saudi Arabia’s critical oil pro-
The announcement was made by Iran’s Min- cessing installations in the east with kamikaze
ister of Foreign Affairs, Hossein Amir-Abdolla- drones, resulting in the suspension of over half
hian, during an interview with Al Alam TV at of the nation’s daily oil production output.
the weekend. Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia’
He revealed that negotiations have been Al-Sudani has recently stated that his coun-
progressing well and that diplomatic relations try is committed to sustaining the stalled talks
between the countries are dependent on the between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iraq, which
results of the talks. maintains close ties with both countries, has
The talks have been stalled since 2016, when been facilitating negotiations between the two
Riyadh withdrew its diplomats from Iran after sides since 2019.
the Saudi embassy in Tehran and its consulate in The talks represent a significant step towards
Mashhad were attacked by protesters following regional stability, as a resolution of tensions
the execution of a Shiite cleric by Saudi authori- between Iran and Saudi Arabia would have a
ties. Saudi Arabia also suspended trade relations positive impact on the wider Middle East. While
with Iran and banned its citizens from travelling the negotiations are expected to be challenging,
to the country for religious pilgrimages. with both countries having deeply entrenched
Iran and Saudi Arabia have been involved in positions, the fact that they are willing to engage
several indirect conflicts through proxies over in dialogue is a positive sign.
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 09 01•March•2023