Page 12 - FSUOGM Week 23 2022
P. 12

FSUOGM                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                        FSUOGM

       Germany faced with €5bn bill over

       Russia gas sanctions

        GERMANY          RUSSIA’S sanctions on Gazprom Germania and   Gazprom’s failure to fill Rehden, Germa-
                         its subsidiaries could cost German taxpayers  ny’s largest gas storage site, was one of the trig-
       German regulators took   €5bn ($5.4bn) for the purchase of alternative gas  gers that prompted regulators to seize control
       over operational control   supplies, German newspaper Welt am Sonntag  of Gazprom Germania. Storage utilisation
       of Gazprom Germania   reported on June 5.              at the facility has remained at about 2% for
       in mid-April.       German regulators took over operational  months.
                         control of Gazprom Germania, formerly owned   “We are taking another important step to fur-
                         by Russia’s Gazprom, in mid-April, in a bid to  ther strengthen security of supply and prepared-
                         safeguard its gas supply. But in mid-May, the  ness in Germany and to be adequately equipped
                         Russian government responded by slapping  for the next winter in particular,” Habeck said
                         sanctions on the company and halting deliveries  on June 1. “Since the storage levels of Germany’s
                         to it.                               largest gas storage facility in Rehden have been
                           Acting as Gazprom Germania’s trustee, Ger-  at a historic low for months, it is necessary to act
                         many’s Bundesnetzagentur energy regulator  quickly here.”
                         has since been buying replacement gas on the   Germany’s government enacted a law on
                         market, in order to fulfil supply obligations with  April 30 that gas storage facilities be filled to 80%
                         German utilities and regional suppliers. But this  capacity by October 1, up from 51% nationwide
                         has come at a significant expense.   as of June 5.
                           Germany’s economy ministry estimates that   The new law also empowers the government
                         some 10 mcm per day of gas has to be purchased  to step in to act if it becomes clear that the storage
                         to replace the lost Russian volumes, Welt am  requirement cannot be met.
                         Sonntag said.                          “In the case of Rehden in the face of the
                           “The quantities are procured on the market  Ukraine war this is the case,” the minister said
                         and at market prices,” a spokesperson for the  in a statement.
                         ministry said in an emailed response to Reu-  Gazprom also cut off gas supply to Shell
                         ters. “No information can be given on the exact  Energy Europe in Germany at the start of this
                         amounts due to commercial confidentiality.”  month, over its refusal to pay for supplies in
                           Welt am Sonntag estimates the current cost  rubles. The contract covered up to 1.2 bcm of
                         of this replacement supply at about €3.5bn, and  annual supply.
                         further cost could arise from the need to refill the   “With the ministerial decree, we are creating
                         Rehden gas storage facility. German Economy  the conditions so that the market area manager
                         Minister Robert Habeck ordered reinjection into  Trading Hub Europe can start injecting gas as
                         the facility to start last week.     quickly as possible,” Habeck said. ™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   08•June•2022
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