Page 4 - REM Annual Review 2021
P. 4

REM                                              JANUARY                                                REM

       Green investment breaches

       $500mn barrier in 2020

       Green investment continued to rise in 2020, with offshore wind and EVs
       showing the most dynamic growth, writes Richard Lockhart

        GLOBAL           INVESTMENT in the energy transmission rose  increases in spending as costs fall. Technologies
                         by 9% to a record $501.3bn in 2020, the first time  such as electric heat, CCS and hydrogen are only
       WHAT:             that annual spending has breached the $500mn  attracting a fraction of the investment they will
       Green investment rises   barrier.                      need in the 2020s to help bring emissions under
       9% to $501.3bn in 2020  Figures from BloombergNEF (BNEF)  control. We need to be talking about trillions per
                         showed that governments and households  year if we are to meet climate goals.”
       WHY:              invested $303.5bn in new renewable energy
       The world invested   capacity in 2020, up 2% on the year.  Regional breakdown
       unprecedented amounts   Spending on electric vehicles (EVs) and  In terms of geography, Europe accounted for the
       in low-carbon assets last   associated charging infrastructure rose by 28%  biggest slice of global investment at $166.2bn (up
       year, from renewables to   to $139bn, also a new record.  67%), with China at $134.8bn (down 12%) and
       cleaner transport, energy   Other areas of energy transition investment  the US at $85.3bn (down 11%).
       storage to electric heat  also showed strength. Domestic installation of   Europe’s impressive performance was driven
                         energy-efficient heat pumps came to $50.8bn, up  by a record year for EV sales, and the best year in
       WHAT NEXT:        12%, while investment in stationary energy stor-  renewable energy investment since 2012.
       This growth occurred   age technologies such as batteries was $3.6bn,   Jon Moore, chief executive of BNEF, said:
       during the pandemic, so   level with 2019 despite falling unit prices.  “The coronavirus [COVID-19] pandemic has
       investment is well-placed   Global investment in carbon capture and  held back progress on some projects, but overall
       to grow once restrictions   storage (CCS) tripled to $3bn, and that in hydro-  investment in wind and solar has been robust
       subside and countries put   gen was $1.5bn, down 20% but the second-high-  and electric vehicle sales jumped more than
       in place green stimulus   est annual number to date (see Figure 1).  expected. Policy ambition is clearly rising as
       programmes          Albert Cheung, head of analysis at BNEF,  more countries and businesses commit to net-
                         said: “Our figures show that the world has  zero targets, and green stimulus programmes are
                         reached half a trillion dollars a year in its invest-  starting to make their presence felt. Some 54% of
                         ment to decarbonise the energy system. Clean  2016 emissions are now under some form of net-
                         power generation and electric transport are  zero commitment, up from 34% at the start of
                         seeing heavy inflows, but need to see further  last year. This should drive increasing investment

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                                Annual Review 2021
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