Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 06 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                                                                Rio Negro in 2017.
                                                                                  In terms of Salta, President’s realisable prices
                                                                                in the Reserves report are calculated at $38 per
                                                                                barrel on the basis of $50 Brent. By way of com-
                                                                                parison actual realisable prices for Salta in Feb-
                                                                                ruary are estimated at approximately $45.
                                                                                  Paraguay; The figures reported today prop-
                                                                                erly and appropriately take no account of any
                                                                                exploration resources in Paraguay which are
                                                                                internally assessed at over 536 MMbo of Pmean
                                                                                undiscovered oil-in-place.
                                                                                President Energy, February 08 2021
                                                                                Trinity Exploration issues
       The amount received at closing is added to the  ground are materially higher.
       amount of $6.17mn paid to PUSAI on the date   “We look forward to delivering on that poten-  operational update for
       the sale contract was signed, on October 2, 2020,  tial in 2021, with a record actual and contingent
       totaling $68.17mn.                  work programme announced on January 20,   Trinidad and Tobago
         In Uruguay, Petrobras operated, through  including a prospective return to drilling in
       PUDSA, in the fuel and lubricant distribution  Puesto Guardian. This year’s work is supported   projects in 2020
       market, with a portfolio of assets that includes  by more stable realisation prices in the markets
       a network of 90 service stations, 88 of which are  we serve combined with both federal govern-  Trinity Exploration & Production, the inde-
       in operation, 16 convenience stores, a lubricant  ment and provincial investment incentives in  pendent E&P company focused on Trinidad and
       logistics terminal, an aviation kerosene plant and  Argentina.”          Tobago, has provided a full year trading update
       delivery of marine                     Rio Negro: President will exercise its  for 2020, guidance for 2021 and an update on
         fuels to the main ports of the country, being  entrenched legal rights to renew and extend its  growth plans and opportunities for 2021 and
       the second largest fuel distributor in Uruguay. It  core Puesto Flores/Estancia Vieja concession  beyond.
       also acted in the distribution of liquid fertilisers,  currently due to expire in November 2027, for a   Bruce Dingwall, CBE, Executive Chairman
       through two logistic storage terminals, being the  further 10 years until November 2037 in accord-  of Trinity, commented: “2020 was a successful
       largest trader of liquid fertilisers in the country.  ance with the relevant sections of the Argentine  year for Trinity, notwithstanding the challenging
       Petrobras, February 05 2021         Federal Hydrocarbons Law.            circumstances, as we continued to consistently
                                              These sections provide President definitive  deliver on our operational and financial targets.
                                           and inalienable right to extend the concession  We not only met our production targets safely
       PERFORMANCE                         term by successive periods of 10 years thereby  but also delivered the fifth consecutive year of
                                           giving President the time and ability in the future  operating break-even below $30.00 per barrel.
       President Energy                    to fully exploit the production potential of the  To put this in context, over the past five years,
                                           relevant areas.
                                                                                despite a 6% fall in average oil price realisa-
       announces reserves update           Rio Negro with regard to such extension are  whilst simultaneously reducing the operating
                                              Concrete discussions with the Province of  tions, Trinity has increased production by 27%
       AIM-listed President Energy, the energy com-  anticipated to take place later this year with  break-even by 30%, resulting in a business with
       pany with a diverse portfolio of production and  a view to concluding the same before the year  a robust production base and a strong margin.
       exploration assets focused primarily in South  end. Such extension will have a positive effect on  Our success in delivering these results, despite
       America has announced its updated reserves  reserves as hydrocarbons during the prolonged  the unprecedented backdrop, reflects the qual-
       and contingent resources assessed as at Decem-  period move from the contingent resources cat-  ity of our assets, the strength of our team, and
       ber 31, 2020.                       egories to the more definitive reserve categories.  our unrelenting focus on operational efficiencies
         Peter Levine, Chairman, commented: “The  Definitions of both reserves and resources are set  and innovation. This is complemented by main-
       robust Group reserves and contingent resources  out in the Glossary below.  taining a strong balance sheet, which is essential
       of President assessed as at the end of last year,   Salta: In Salta, where the long-term Conces-  as we develop strategic options to meaningfully
       combined with the enshrined legal right to  sion extends to 2050, President is in the prelimi-  scale the business.
       extend our all our Argentine licences, underlines  nary stage of planning to finally return to drilling   “Looking at the growth initiatives in front of
       our production potential for years to come in a  later this year with three new vertical production  us, we see opportunity in two areas. Firstly, in
       country with long term hydrocarbon needs.  wells as well as 3D seismic data acquisition. In  advancing current developments both onshore
         “It is important to note that the reserves as at  the event of success these would be the first new  and offshore, and secondly, via the strategic
       December 31, 2020, do not represent the total  producing wells at the Puesto Guardian Con-  partnerships we have recently entered into. This
       of what is present and/or recoverable in the  cession for nearly 10 years which is itself a tes-  strategy is aimed at pursuing further low-cost
       respective fields but only rather what are present  tament to the long life of the current well stock.  appraisal and exploration targets along-side the
       and/or recoverable over the term of President’s  These wells would complement the already firm  development of transitional energy projects such
       current licenses as at the audit date. In practise,  drilling programme in Rio Negro in the first  as micro LNG, wind and solar power.
       the Company intends to exercise its legal right  part of this year with the four committed wells   “We proved the strength of our model during
       to extend its Rio Negro licenses beyond their  there within H1-2021 representing the highest  the most difficult of circumstances in 2020 and
       current terms and therefore as is discussed the  number of individual wells drilled by President  have ambitious plans to build on this during the
       total present and/or recoverable reserves in the  in any year since the Company first arrived in  current year and beyond.”`

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 06   11•February•2021
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