Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 10 2023
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RCE-4 and RCE-5 Wells: The RCE-4 well was
spudded on March 1, 2023, and is currently drill-
ing. Expectations are that the RCE-4 well will be
complete and brought on production towards
the end of March. Plans are then to skid the rig
to the RCE-5 location and begin drilling.
Capella Field: The Capella field continues to
be shut in and discussions between the govern-
ment, protesters and the operator are ongoing.
The Company hopes for a quick resolution of the
protesters’ concerns.
Arrow Exploration, 03 March 2023
Petrobras prioritises
exploration on the
Equatorial Margin
and in Colombia competitiveness and the growing need for car- Service is a leading provider of marine services
Petrobras’ investments in exploration activities bon reduction by energy companies in the global and project solutions for offshore energy sectors.
planned for the next five years are around $6bn, market, among other topics. With a large fleet of anchor handling and subsea
with a main focus on sustainability, both eco- Petrobras, 07 March 2023 support vessels, the company specialises in tow-
nomic and environmental. The company’s strat- ing, mooring and installing floating units.
egy favors its new exploration projects, such as Maersk Supply Service Maersk Supply Service is committed to
those that will be implemented in the Brazilian decarbonising its fleet and focuses on energy
Equatorial Margin and in the Tayrona block, in wins 3-year contract with efficiency and ocean health. The company is
Colombia, the latter focused on gas production. expanding into renewable industries such as
This information was presented by Petrobras’ Petrobras in Brazil floating wind and ocean cleaning.
Chief Exploration and Production Officer, Fer- Maersk Supply Service, as a subsidiary of A.P.
nando Borges, in his participation in the panel Petrobras has signed three of Maersk Supply Møller-Mærsk, employs around 1,100 offshore
called “Latin American Upstream: Competitive- Service’s L-class anchor handlers for a three-year and 220 onshore staff. Headquartered in Lyngby,
ness in global markets,” presented this Tuesday period, covering a broad work scope of anchor- Denmark, the company has a global presence in
(March 7), at CERAWeek 2023, one of the largest ing handling activities and rig movements. Angola, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Guyana, Mex-
oil and gas fairs in the world, based in Houston. The Maersk Leader, Maersk Launcher and ico, Norway, the Philippines and the UK.
The start of the exploration phase on the Maersk Lancer have been delivered in Brazil. Maersk Supply Service, 07 March 2023
Equatorial Margin, which stretches from This now sees 12 vessels from the Maersk Supply
Amapá to Rio Grande do Norte, is awaiting Service fleet currently serving the Brazilian and DOF Subsea awarded
licensing from IBAMA, which may take place Latin American markets.
in the first quarter of this year. “The Equatorial “Maersk Supply Service is committed to contracts offshore Brazil
Margin represents a promising prospect for us, investing in the Brazilian market and to deliv-
as well as an asset that could contribute to the ering safe, efficient and sustainable solutions for DOF Subsea has exercised an option for the div-
country’s energy security,” declared Fernando our customers in this strategically important ing support vessel Skandi Achiever, including
Borges. Petrobras expects to invest $2.9bn in the region. We are pleased at the trust Petrobras has ROV and diving services. The new commitment
Equatorial Margin in the coming years, which again shown in us, and we look forward to con- will now run until February 2024 and has com-
represents 49% of the total that will be invested tinuing our positive collaboration,” says Rafael menced in direct continuation with the current
in exploration activities. Thome, Managing Director for Brazil. commitment.
Another priority area for Petrobras, men- This contract comes as Maersk Supply Ser- In addition to the newly announced contract
tioned by Fernando Borges at the event, is vice continues to consolidate its presence in Bra- on the RSV vessel Geoholm, DOF has just signed
the Tayrona block in Colombia. The officer zil, establishing itself as a recognised integrated another contract to perform survey services for
explained that the company found natural gas at solutions supplier in the region. It follows a series the same period.
the site, through the exploratory well Uchuva-1, of solutions contracts for the FPSO Fluminense The contracts have a combined value in
drilled in deep waters off Colombia, 32 km from on behalf of Shell, as well as the Mero 2 contract excess of $35mn for the firm period.
the coast and 76 km from the city of Santa Marta, for Petrobras. DOF Subsea CEO Mons S. Aase stated: “I am
in a water depth of approximately 830 metres. Since 2017, Maersk Supply Service has very happy with the contract awards securing
Petrobras is the operator of the block (44.44% expanded its portfolio to delivering EPCI utilisation of our personnel in Brazil and one
stake), in partnership with Ecopetrol, with a solutions for the safe and efficient fabrication, of our key assets in the Group, Skandi Achiever.
55.56% stake. assembly and installation of large floating assets, The contract award also confirms our strong
The panel on which Fernando Borges was a building on its expertise and 50-year legacy of position and track record in Brazil and strength-
member addressed the challenges of the energy deep-water towing and mooring scopes. ens our long relationship with Petrobras.”
industry in Latin America, such as increased About Maersk Supply Service: Maersk Supply DOF Subsea, 03 March 2023
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 10 08•March•2023