Page 13 - MEOG Week 02 2023
P. 13

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       COMPANIES                           flawed combination with NewMed - in effect   GAS
                                           a backdoor London listing for NewMed,” a
       Capricorn rejects attempt to        Palliser spokesperson said.          Oman signs agreements,
                                             The Capricorn board asked Palliser
       block NewMed deal                   representatives to review the company’s   MoU in LNG, green hydrogen
                                           internal business plan after signing a non-
       Capricorn Energy on Thursday rejected a   disclosure agreement.          fields
       plan by its third largest shareholder to scrap   Capricorn Energy said it would issue
       a proposed merger with NewMed Energy,   notice next week for a general meeting on Feb.   Several agreements and a memorandum
       saying its was based on false information.  1 regarding Palliser’s demand for the removal   of understanding (MoU) were signed at
         In an open letter to shareholders, the   of directors and expects to hold a vote on the   OQ Group’s headquarters today in the
       board of Capricorn Energy asked stakeholder   NewMed deal on or around the same date.  field liquefied natural gas (LNG) and green
       Palliser to review its planned merger with the   REUTERS                 hydrogen.
       Israeli company weeks after Palliser pushed                                The Ministry of Energy and Minerals
       for a board overhaul to block the deal.  Sinopec wins $3bn contract      signed a Letter of Intent with Oman Shell
         Several other investors joined Palliser                                company to explore opportunities for the
       in opposing the merger with NewMed that   for Zarqa refinery expansion   production of Liquefied Synthetic Gas (LSG)
       would create a gas producer focused on Egypt                             in the Sultanate of Oman.
       and Israel when Europe is looking for non-  Sinopec Engineering Co has reportedly   LSG is produced when green hydrogen
       Russian gas, saying it undervalues Capricorn.  secured a $3 billion contract from Jordan   is combined with captured carbon dioxide
         Capricorn shares were down about 1%   Petroleum Refinery Co, and will jointly   to produce natural gas which is then
       while NewMed shares were down by about 5%  develop the fourth expansion phase of the   liquefied. This low-carbon gas can be directly
       at 1456 GMT.                        Zarqa Refinery Tecnimont and Japan’s   introduced to existing gas networks and
         The board said in the letter that Palliser’s   Itochu Corp.            infrastructure, including the liquefied natural
       plan was based on an overstated value of   The aim of the project is to expand the   gas stations of the Oman LNG Company, all
       Capricorn as a standalone company and   Zarqa refinery’s capacity to 150,000 barrels   the way to the end user.
       included “outdated and incorrect facts and   per day, up from the current 60,000 barrels a   The agreement was signed by Eng.
       assumptions,” including being able to return   day.                      Salim Nasser Al Aufi, Minister of Energy
       to shareholders $620 million in cash.  The consortium will undertake the   and Minerals, and Walid Hadi, Senior Vice
         Palliser’s plan would deliver up to $866   construction work’s of the whole plant’s   President and Country Chair, Oman Shell.
       million in fair market value, compared with   production equipment, public works and   Commenting on the agreement, Eng. Salim
       $920 million from the current NewMed   facilities outside the plant.     Al Aufi said, “This agreement is evidence
       merger offer, the board said in the letter.  JPRC is Jordan’s only oil refining   of our confidence in the future of the Sultanate
         In a response to a Reuters email query,   company and is headquartered in the   of Oman as a multiple energy source hub, as
       Palliser rejected Capricorn’s argument it had   country’s capital city, Amman. The   well as the rapid development of its interest
       overstated the company’s value.     company’s refinery is situated in Zarqa,   in renewable energy and green hydrogen
         “(We) are concerned that this board   and is primarily engaged in the manufacture   production. The Ministry works with care to
       appears intent on talking down the prospects   of different types of fuels and petrochemicals.  achieve optimal utilization of the Sultanate of
       of the company to justify their support for the   OGME                   Oman’s natural resources, by employing

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