Page 17 - EurOil Week 08 2023
P. 17

EurOil                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

       on Neptun Deep perimeter            and impounded the ship. Police intelligence   piped to Poland and Germany, according to
                                                                                Bloomberg, have left the country largely on
                                           suspected the ship was illegally transporting
       OMV Petrom has reportedly failed to   Russian oil after the certificate of origin for   European tankers.
       submit to the National Agency for Mineral   the cargo was found to be missing.  The pressure is on the Kremlin to
       Resources (NAMR) the development       Investigators say the oil on Grace Felix   smuggle oil to Continental ports, as while
       plan for the Domino and Pelican Sud   was ordered by AV International Group,   Russia has been using its “ghost fleet” of up
       commercial deposits, part of Neptun Deep   an Albanian LNG trader owned by local   to 600 tankers to transport oil outside the
       perimeter, for which the deadline was   businessman Piro Baren, the Albanian Top   sanctions regime, as it takes two months for
       December, according to B1Tv.        Channel TV reported.                 these ships to sail to Asia and back, Russia is
         The TV station speculates about the oil   Russia saw a significant spike in its   looking for customers closer to home where
       company potentially losing the concession   seaborne crude exports last week, as it gets   ships can make multiple trips a month.
       rights, but this is a rather extreme scenario.   ready to cut production by 500,000 barrels   The volume of crude on vessels heading
       Other penalties may be applied, though.   per day (bpd) in reaction to the recent two   to China and India, plus small flows to
         The NAMR reportedly repeatedly asked   rounds of embargoes imposed by the EU in   Turkey and the quantities on ships that have
       the company, which acts as the operator   December and February.         yet to show a final destination, rebounded
       of the perimeter, to submit the complete   The country exported 3.6mn bpd of   in the four-week period, equalling the
       documents.                          crude oil from its ports in the seven days   highest amount observed since Bloomberg
         More precisely,  the commerciality study   up to February 17, marking a 26% increase   began tracking the shipments at the start of
       regarding the deposits, submitted at the end   week on week and flows were at multi-week   2022.
       of last year, fails to include the evaluation   highs from all its Baltic, Black Sea, Arctic   Shipments to China have remained
       study of the geological resources and   and Pacific terminals, with a less-volatile   fairly constant, but Bloomberg reports that
       reserves for Domino and Pelican Sud, nor   four-week average of exports also rising,   cargoes identified as “Unknown Asia” or
       does it include the proposed calendar for   Bloomberg reports.           “Other Unknown” will end up in India,
       exploitation.                          The Grace Felix had departed from   which has massively expanded its import of
         According to information circulated   Azerbaijan and was allegedly loaded with   Russian crude.
       around the end of last year, the operator   Russian oil in Greek waters, near the port of   The Grace Felix case is indicative of the
       of the perimeter, OMV Petrom, had six   Kalamata, from another ship, the TV station  growth in ship-to-ship transfers, one of the
       weeks to comply with the requirements – a   said. While Russia used to send the majority   easiest ways to dodge sanctions and disguise
       deadline that has already expired.   of its oil via the Baltic port of Primorsk to   the origin of Russian oil, which have been
         The commerciality study is an     destinations in Europe, since the war started  most visible off the Spanish North African
       indispensable stage for starting investments,   a year ago Black Sea ports have seen a 25%   city of Ceuta and off the Greek coast near
       and failure to provide all the documents can   increase in volumes as Russia’s customer   Kalamata, according to Bloomberg based on
       result in the withdrawal of the operating   profiles change and the importance of   a study of ship destination and cargo data.
       license, according to Adevarul daily.  Africa and Asia grows.            At least 30 cargoes have been transferred
         While this is a rather unlikely scenario,   As bne IntelliNews reported at the start   between ships in those two locations since
       if backed by clear regulations, it could help   of the conflict in Ukraine, oil sanctions   the start of the year. Twelve more Aframax
       the state require OMV Petrom to allow   have been expected to be very leaky from   tankers that loaded in the Baltic since late
       state-owned Romgaz – Petrom’s partner in   the start and ship-to-ship transfers are   January look likely to transfer their cargoes
       the project – to act as the operator of the   a common way of disguising the origin   to other vessels in the Mediterranean, based
       perimeter.                          of sanctioned oil cargo. Greek tankers   on their destination signals, the newswire
         OMV Petrom confirmed recently, on   have been especially co-operating in   reports.
       the occasion of a quarterly update of its   the transport of Russian oil, despite the
       operational results, that a final decision on   sanctions, according to a report by Institute
       going ahead with Neptun Deep should be   of International Finance (IIF) that found   Bosnia’s presidency fails to
       expected by the middle of the year, implying  they had increased their share from 35% of
       that it expects no consequences for the   the total shipped Russian oil to 55% now,   agree on state-level natural gas
       failure to file the complete commerciality   as bne IntelliNews reported in a piece on
       study.                              leakage via pipelines and tankers.   regulator
                                              At present, the Grace Felix is seized and
                                           lying at anchor 10 km from the coast of   A proposal by the representative of the
       Albania seizes tanker suspected     Durres. The investigators of the Prosecutor’s   Bosniak member of the presidency of
                                                                                Bosnia & Herzegovina, Denis Becirovic,
                                           Office are continuing to work in order to
       of sanctions-busting Russian oil    document this illegal activity and identify   for the formation of a state-level (versus
                                                                                entity-level) energy regulator to deal with
                                           the individuals involved. The ship’s cargo
       delivery, as Russian shipborne      will be subject to further examination to   natural gas issues received a firm refusal
                                                                                from the Serb representative in the Bosnian
                                           determine its origin and whether it is in
       exports soar                        violation of any sanctions or embargoes.  presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic.
                                                                                  The President of Republika Srpska,
                                              The jump in oil exports suggests that the
       The Grace Felix oil tanker, flying the   oil export business is continuing as normal,   Milorad Dodik, said that “no regulator
       Liberian flag, was seized by authorities   although some analysts have argued that   for gas will be formed at the Bosnia and
       on February 20, suspected of breaking   the cut in oil production, due to go into   Herzegovina (BiH) level and that there is no
       sanctions by smuggling oil out of the   effect next week, was forced on the Kremlin,   transfer of responsibilities because entities
       country, as Russia’s shipborne oil exports   unable to find enough customers to buy all   are responsible for energy issues”.
       soared.                             its output.                            Dodik has long called for the secession
         The ship was due to unload its fuel at   The high volumes of crude being shipped   of Republika Srpska, one of Bosnia’s two
       Porto Romano, the industrial port located   out of Russia’s western ports, which now   entities alongside the Bosnian Federation,
       in Durres in Albania when officers swooped   appears to include volumes previously   and contested the authority of state-level

       Week 08   23•February•2023               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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