Page 12 - DMEA Week 38 2022
P. 12

DMEA                                       REFINING & FUELS                                            DMEA

                                                The company has apologised for selling water-laced fuel (Photo: Vivo Energy)

       Vivo Energy Ghana sued for negligence

       over sales of contaminated gasoline

             AFRICA      THE Ghanaian subsidiary of British a down-  owes a duty of care to the public to ensure that
                         stream petroleum company, Vivo Energy, has   fuel products sold at its filling stations meet the
                         been sued for negligence after a filling station   required standards, adding that this duty of care
                         sold gasoline mixed with water to some drivers,   was breached “for selfish and unholy financial
                         Citi News reports.                   gain,” Citi News reports.
                           Vivo Energy distributes and markets Shell-   In his lawsuit, Barwuah said that the fuel sta-
                         and Engen-branded fuels and lubricants to retail   tion continued selling contaminated products to
                         and commercial customers in Africa.   unsuspecting customers despite being directly
                           The plaintiff, Edward Barwuah, claims to   informed of the contamination of its product,
                         have been sold water-laced petrol at a Shell sta-  adding that this amounted to reckless disregard
                         tion near the Adomi Bridge at Atimpoku in the   for lives and property “in favour of selfish finan-
                         Eastern Region. He is demanding $2.5mn from   cial gain and unjust enrichment.”
                         Vivo Energy Ghana, arguing that damage to his   Vivo Energy has apologised for the contami-
                         car from the incident caused him to lose a busi-  nation, which led to a number of customers’ cars
                         ness opportunity.                    having engine problems, explaining that water
                           Barwuah also wants his car, a 2017 Ford   got into the underground super tank of the sta-
                         Explorer, replaced with a comparable vehicle   tion after heavy rain in the area.
                         as well as GHS 600 ($59.4) per day in damages   Meanwhile, the National Petroleum Author-
                         since August 28, when the alleged incident   ity (NPA) has already shut down the Shell filling
                         occured.                             station where the incident happened so that
                         He further argues that Vivo Energy Ghana   investigations to commence. ™

       TotalEnergies seen committing to

       Mozambique LNG restart by March

             AFRICA      MAX Tonela, the finance minister of Mozam-  the end of the first quarter of 2023.
                         bique, said on September 16 that he expected   In an interview with Bloomberg, Tonela
                         TotalEnergies (France) to commit to resuming   described himself as “very optimistic” on this
                         work on a major natural gas and LNG project by   front.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 38   22•September•2022
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