Page 13 - MEOG Week 11 2021
P. 13

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              Forces (PMF) paramilitary organisation.   take to repair, seasoned oil traders now know
                                           According to on-the-ground reports from   that they should not believe a word that the
       Saudi must prepare for              the attack scene, the US air strikes resulted   Saudis say regarding such matters. Therefore,
                                                                                whether Iranian attacks succeed or not, the
                                           in at least 22 deaths, principally among the
       more attacks                        PMF-aligned Kata’ib Hezbollah and Kata’ib   price benefit is greater than perhaps the
                                                                                damage done may warrant. Specifically, the
                                           Sayyid al-Shuhada groups that are allied
       As highlighted by Oil Price just after the last   with Syria’s Iranian-backed government   14 September 2019 aerial attacks on Saudi
       major attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities on   in Damascus. In short, the US hit Iranian   Arabia’s massive Abqaiq oil processing facility
       14 September 2019, there are many positive   military proxy units operating abroad rather   and Khurais oil field launched by Iran-backed
       aspects from Iran’s perspective in pursuing   than Iran directly itself. The US’s air strikes   Yemeni Houthi forces caused the temporary
       such a strategy.                    against Iranian proxies in Syria, though, was   suspension of 5.7 million barrels per day
         If it had not been for Iran’s uncertainty   itself retaliation for three rockets being fired   (bpd) of Saudi oil output. This equates to well
       about how former US President Donald   just days before at the Green Zone in Baghdad   over half of the country’s actual crude oil
       Trump might have reacted in the run-up to   with the apparent intention to destroy the   production capacity, not the capacity figure
       presidential elections in 2020 then there might  US Embassy there. Only a few days prior to   that Saudi has plucked out of nowhere for
       well have been more such attacks before those   this, another pro-Iran militia – Saraya Awliya   geopolitical power purposes in recent years,
       most recently launched on 4 and 7 March.  al-Dam – fired a barrage of 107mm rockets at   and resulted in the biggest rise in oil prices in
         “Although major direct action against   a range of targets near a US military base in   a single day ever.
       Iran by the US [for the 14 September attacks   Erbil, the capital of Iraq’s semi-autonomous   OILPRICE
       on Saudi Arabia was not taken at the time –   region of Kurdistan, killing one civilian
       with planned strikes against Iranian targets   contractor and injuring nine others. In short,
       vetoed in the Oval Office due to Trump’s   Iran hit US military and related proxy targets   COMPANIES
       concern about the possible number of civilian   operating abroad. Given the US response to
       casualties – Iran did pay the price later with   these attacks, Iran evidently decided to up the   KNPC eyes digital
       the [3 January 2020] assassination of [Major   ante and hit the only one of the US’s two key
       General] Qasem Soleimani who was the   allies in the Middle East that does not have its   transformation and oil
       mastermind behind Iran’s foreign military   own nuclear weapons – that is, Saudi Arabia
       and clandestine operations,” a source who has   (and not Israel) – and the only one for which   sector overhaul
       worked closely with Iran’s government told   an effective attack against its oil fields and last week. “With Trump gone,   infrastructure would directly benefit Tehran.  Kuwait National Petroleum Company
       this strategy of directly attacking Saudi Arabia   The most obvious and immediate benefit   (KNPC) signed a memorandum of
       was always going to be used again and after   for major oil producer Iran of a successful   understanding (MoU) with the Organisation
       [President Joe] Biden authorised US attacks   attack against Saudi oil facilities is that oil   of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
       on Iranian assets in Syria a few days before,   prices rise, with the size of the increase and   (OAPEC) to cooperate in an overhaul of the
       Tehran thought the timing was right for these   its duration dependent on how much damage   oil sector and its digital transformation, state
       new attacks,” he added.             is done to Saudi oil infrastructure in any   news agency KUNA reported.
         The US attacks on 26 February involved air   such attack. The added advantage for Iran   KNPC CEO Walid Al-Badr emphasised
       strikes along the border between the Syrian   after the attacks on 14 September 2019 is   the importance of research and development
       city of Boukamal and the Iraqi town of Qaim   that given the nonsensical comments from   in the industry, and the role of modern
       against a number of Iranian-backed militant   senior Saudis about how much damage had   technology in cutting costs and producing
       groups in eastern Syria that operate within   been done to the Kingdom’s oil infrastructure   clean, high-quality oil derivatives.
       the mostly Iraqi Shia Popular Mobilisation   during those attacks and how long it would   OAPEC Secretary General Ali bin Sabt

       Week 11   17•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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