Page 12 - DMEA Week 08 2021
P. 12

DMEA                                            PIPELINES                                              DMEA

       Baku mulls Turkmen, Israeli gas

       and West Balkan deliveries in SGC II

        GAS CORRIDOR     AZERBAIJAN’S state-owned Socar has detailed  see gas flowed to the new markets in the Balkans.
                         what it bills as “phase two” of the Southern Gas   “In this [second] phase, SOCAR aims to
                         Corridor (SGC) project that delivers gas from  reach additional markets and transit gas from
                         the South Caucasus country to the European  additional locations, as well as developing Azer-
                         Union.                               baijan’s gas resources,” Nassirov was quoted as
                           Representatives  of  Azerbaijan’s  national  saying, adding: “Azerbaijan is prepared to transit
                         energy company SOCAR have spoken of sourc-  gas from multiple sources without discrimina-
                         ing additional gas from Turkmenistan and Israel  tion. Energy is never used as a coercive political
                         and flowing gas via the SGC to new markets in  tool.”
                         the Balkans. They have even talked of Armenia   The SGC helps southern Europe reduce its
                         being a possible future market for Azerbaijani  dependence on Russian energy exports. First
                         gas and of how the TANAP pipeline in Turkey –   SGC gas flowed to Italy via its last completed
                         a major part of the SGC – was already technically  section, the TAP pipeline that crosses the Adri-
                         ready to carry hydrogen. A blend of up to 20%  atic Sea from Albania, at the end of 2020.
                         hydrogen could flow through TANAP in the   Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan struck a land-
                         future, according to SOCAR briefings.  mark agreement last month to jointly develop
                           The prospect of the former would depend on  the Dostluk field that spans the border between
                         Armenia establishing diplomatic relations with  the two countries’ maritime zones in the Caspian
                         Azerbaijan.                          Sea. The agreement ended a 30-year dispute as to
                           In December, European Commissioner for  which country had the rights to develop the field,
                         Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhe-  formerly known as Kepez in Azerbaijan and Sar-
                         lyi said the EU was “keen” to explore the possible  dar in Turkmenistan.
                         extension of the SGC to the Western Balkans.  “This new cooperation with Turkmenistan
                           The Western Balkans covers countries such as  will open up more opportunities for Central
                         Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro,  Asian gas to also join the SGC,” S&P further
                         North Macedonia and Kosovo.          quoted Nassirov as saying.
                           Elshad Nassirov, SOCAR’s vice president for   “Israeli gas to Turkey and then entering
                         investment and marketing, lately spoke during  TANAP with swaps in the Turkish market is
                         an Atlantic Council webinar.         commercially the most viable option to export
                           S&P Global Platts reported Nassirov as stat-  gas from the East Mediterranean into Europe
                         ing that gas could be sourced from Turkmenistan  and we support that option,” he was also cited
                         and Israel in the future, while the SGC could also  as saying.™

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