Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 11 2023
P. 6

LatAmOil                                          MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

       Pemex exploring various options for

       repaying debts in 2023-2024, CEO says

                         MEXICO’S  national oil company (NOC)   budget.
                         Pemex is currently exploring options for repay-  Romero went on to criticise credit ratings
                         ing its heavy load of debts that are due to mature   agencies that have declared some of Pemex’s
                         in 2023 and 2024, according to the firm’s CEO,   bonds to be speculative grade, or junk, thereby
                         Octavio Romero Oropeza.              forcing the state-owned company to pay more
                           In an interview with Reuters last week,   to borrow money. These agencies have “pun-
                         Romero said that the NOC might offer lend-  ished” the NOC unnecessarily and ignored the
                         ers guarantees backed by crude oil but was   progress made by its current management team
                         considering other possibilities too. “We are   with respect to keeping hydrocarbon reserves
                         exploring all (the options),” he stated. “Yes, yes,   stable, increasing production and bringing debt
                         we are going to try to find the best, cheapest   under control, he argued.
                         mechanism.”                            For its part, Reuters acknowledged that
                           As of the end of last year, Pemex’s total long-  Pemex had made a profit of $1.2bn in 2022 and
                         term debt load stood at nearly $108bn and was   had also managing to trim part of its debt load
                         still rising. The company is liable to repay $8.2bn   following the arrival of new management. It also
                         of this amount this year, plus an additional $9bn   noted, though, that these profit margins were
                         in 2024. These sums consist of both bonds and   meagre in comparison to the 60% increase in the
                         long-term bank loans.                company’s revenues, which went up to $123bn
                           Pemex is set to make repayments of up to   last year, largely on the strength of high world
                         $24bn this year, when other liabilities such as   crude oil prices.
                         revolving credit lines and interest are included.  The gap between profits and revenues
                           Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez   appears to have stemmed from high expenses,
                         Obrador is a supporter of stronger state con-  Reuters said. It explained that the company had
                         trol over the energy sector, and he has said that   been hit by the need to import petroleum prod-
                         his administration will help the NOC meet its   ucts for resale on the local market, as well as tax
                         obligations if no other alternatives are available.   payments and other fees. ™
                         However, Romero told Reuters that he hoped
                         Pemex would not have to rely on state assistance
                         in order to eradicate its debts.
                           Even so, he did not rule out the possibility
                         of government intervention, acknowledging
                         the benefit of Pemex and the Finance Ministry
                         working together. “That is the great benefit of
                         two very important government entities work-
                         ing hand in hand,” he remarked. Currently,
                         Pemex is the largest contributor to Mexico’s state   Moody’s has estimated Pemex’s total debt load at $107.7bn (File Photo)

       Head of Ecopetrol dismisses proposal

       for re-opening gas pipeline to Venezuela

                         FELIPE Bayon, the CEO of Colombia’s national   own offshore developments.
                         oil company (NOC) Ecopetrol, has dismissed   Speaking on the sidelines of the CERAWeek
                         proposals for re-opening and reversing the flow   energy conference in Houston earlier this week,
                         of a dormant cross-border natural gas pipeline   Bayon said the country had more than enough
                         to Venezuela, saying that his country could sus-  gas to cover domestic demand without re-acti-
                         tain itself without Venezuelan fuel thanks to its   vating the 224-km pipeline to Venezuela.

       P6                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 11   15•March•2023
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