Page 12 - MEOG Week 30 2022
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vast gas resources can play an increasingly company Schlumberger, which is executing control system and data collection for Jurassic
important role in providing lower-carbon the two contracts, reports Al- Anba daily wells in northern Kuwait.
energy to meet the demands of today and quoting sources. The same sources said the Meanwhile, an official source told the daily
tomorrow, while the world still relies on company requested to extend the contract the Kuwait Oil Company has accepted the
hydrocarbons. As we responsibly execute this of the Jurassic production facilities in East grievance of the American Fluor Company to
development we continue to explore ways and West Al-Rawdatain, West Sabriya and provide comprehensive engineering design
to accelerate project delivery and further Umm Naga, at a value of $21.16 million, and project management services, after
reduce emissions, together with our strategic equivalent to 4.5% of the value of the contract excluding the company’s financial bid. The
international partners.” concluded with Schlumberger, while the KOC source stated that the Grievances Committee
ADNOC’s gas masterplan links every part requested to extend the second contract with had notified the Central Agency for Public
of the gas value chain to ensure a sustainable the American company with a value of $18.67 Tenders after the grievance was permitted to
and economic supply of natural gas to meet million, equivalent to about 5% of the value of be considered, and accordingly the grievance
the growing requirements of the UAE and the main contract. was accepted in form and rejected in
international markets, through expansion The Schlumberger contract is among the 3 substance, and the responsible authority was
of ADNOC’s liquiefied natural gas (LNG) contracts that constitute an important stage of notified of the decision. Accordingly, the KOC
capacity. The plan includes the application of the plan to develop the free gas production in has now four financial bids submitted by the
new approaches and technologies to enable Kuwait. One of the contracts is implemented Australian “Warley Parsons”, the American
increased and competitive gas recovery from by Septco, and the entire contracts for Jurassic “KBR”, “EMIC” and the French “Technip”, to
existing fields as well as developing untapped gas facilities contribute to the production compete for the contract, as 3 companies will
resources and leveraging innovation to of half a billion cubic feet per day of free be awarded, and the implementation of the
continually drive emissions reduction. gas. The sources indicated that the Central project extends to 5 3 years and must be won
Production from the Ghasha Concession is Agency for Public Tenders (CAPT) requested by the 3 companies to cover the business, as
expected to start around 2025, ramping up to to postpone the decision on the Kuwait Oil the contract covers the development of initial
produce more than 1.5 billion standard cubic Company’s decision to extend the contract, for engineering designs, project management and
feet per day (scfd) of natural gas before the a subsequent meeting to coordinate with the related services for major projects belonging
end of the decade. Four artificial islands have technical sector. to the Kuwait Oil Company.
already been completed and development Moreover, the Kuwait Oil Company The source added that these fall under the
drilling is underway. requested to reconsider the decision of category of “PMC” contracts, and aim to help
In November last year, ADNOC and the previous body and to approve the first the company prepare engineering designs
its partners awarded two Engineering, extension of the tender contract for the and supervise major projects implemented
Procurement & Construction (EPC) contracts installation, operation and maintenance of a by the KOC. The Kuwait National Petroleum
for the Dalma Gas Development Project, solar power generation plant with (MWE5) Company (KNPC) decided to extend the
within the Ghasha Concession. They also voltage in the Umm Qadeer field area in contract for the maintenance of electrical
awarded a contract to update the Front-End western Kuwait for a period of 6 months, with systems, fire alarms, sirens and sirens at Mina
Engineering and Design (FEED) for the Hail a total amount of $813,000 to read as the date Abdullah Refinery with Al Dar Engineering
and Ghasha project. The updated design is of the end of contract instead of the date of Company for a period of 6 months, with a
expected to be completed by the end of the signing the change order. total value of 1.3 million dinars. The sources
year and will further optimize costs and The company requested the second said that the company submitted the decision
timing, as well as potentially accelerate the extension of a tender contract to provide to the Central Agency for Public Tenders,
integration of carbon capture. comprehensive maintenance services for and notified the Agency that the value of the
ADNOC fire and gas detection systems in the regions change order is equivalent to 9.5% of the value
of North and West Kuwait, concluded with of the original contract.
Al-Meer Technical Services Company for a ARAB TIMES
GAS period of 6 months on a month by- month
basis, at a total amount of 1.3 million Iran’s 4-month gas export
KOC requests extension of dinars, in order to ensure the continuation revenue nearly $4bn
of providing the above-mentioned services
two Jurassic gas contracts without interruption until completion of the Iran’s gas export revenue for the first four
alternative contract bidding procedures. The
The Kuwait Oil Co. (KOC) has requested the Central Tenders Agency also approved Kuwait months of the Iranian year (March 21 to July
extension of two contracts for Jurassic gas, Oil’s request to float the tender for security 21) reached almost $4 billion, the semi-official
worth about $40 million, with the American and safety improvements, the supervisory ISNA news agency quoted Oil Minister Javad
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 30 27•July•2022