Page 6 - GLNG Week 20 2022
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Australia’s LNG export revenue
up 95% y/y in April
REVENUES AUSTRALIA’S LNG export revenue of year (tpy).
AUD5.5bn ($3.8bn) in April represented a The consultancy said that despite high spot
95% year-on-year increase, consultancy Ener- prices for LNG, there were only two spot cargoes
gyQuest has said in its latest monthly Australian reported for shipping from Australian projects
LNG report, released on May 13. However, the in April, accounting for 2% of total shipments.
figure was also a decrease of 8.3% on the pre- This marked a decrease on three spot cargoes in
vious month, when export revenue came in at March.
AUD6.0bn ($4.2bn). This is noteworthy, as Australian LNG had
This was in part attributed to the fact that been identified as one of the alternatives to Rus-
April is a slightly shorter month than March. sian gas in the wake of the war with Ukraine.
Over the course of April, Australian LNG pro- However, buyers appear keen to avoid exposure
jects shipped 92 cargoes amounting to 6.38mn to high spot prices and some countries in Asia
tonnes, EnergyQuest said, compared with 94 – which is Australia’s main market – have been
cargoes totalling 6.41mn tonnes in March. taking advantage of discounts on offer for Rus-
However, in April, Australian projects shipped sian LNG even as it is shunned elsewhere in the
an average of 3.1 cargoes per day, up from 3.0 per world.
day in March. China, Japan and South Korea accounted for
EnergyQuest noted that the Wheatstone pro- the majority of LNG cargoes shipped from Aus-
ject shipped nine less cargoes owing to scheduled tralia in April and there were no cargoes deliv-
maintenance, but that Prelude floating LNG ered to Europe, EnergyQuest said.
(FLNG) shipped three more cargoes as ship- On the domestic market, gas and electricity
ments resumed after an outage at the facility. prices on the country’s east coast continued ris-
On an annualised basis, LNG shipments ing in April, and into May.
from Australia equated to 77.6mn tonnes per
Israel jockeys to promote LNG exports
to Europe via facilities in Egypt
EXPORTS ISRAEL is jockeying with other Mediterranean Egypt via the Ashkelon-Arish subsea Eastern
natural gas producers to take advantage of the Mediterranean Gas (EMG) pipeline. It started
opportunity to partially replace Russian natural exporting natural gas via a new export route
gas exports to Europe with its own liquefied nat- through Jordan to Egypt in March, potentially
ural gas (LNG) exports, media sources reported. increasing its exported quantities by 50%. This
Due to the lack of its own LNG producing could help the Damietta and Rosetta facilities
facilities, Israel currently exports natural gas pro- operate at full capacity, up from their current
duced from its offshore Mediterranean Tamar rate of 84% of a total 12.2mn tonne per year
and Leviathan fields via Jordan to be processed (tpy) capacity. NewMed and Chevron operators
at one of two LNG facilities located in Damietta of Tamar and Leviathan fields are expected to
and Rosetta in Egypt before being re-exported as export 2.5-3.0 bcm of Israeli gas to Egypt this
LNG to Europe. year using the new route, which has the potential
Israel annually delivers an average of 5bn to increase to 4 bcm annually.
cubic metres of natural gas from its fields to
P6 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 20 20•May•2022