Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Canadian maintenance plans

       add to supply jitters

       Planned maintenance is anticipated to take roughly 5% of Canadian crude

       production offline this spring, adding to supply worries as crude prices hit

       multi-year highs

        ALBERTA          CANADA’S oil sands are heading into their  Outage expectations
                         annual spring maintenance season. However,  Around 5% of Canadian crude output will go
       WHAT:             this year, the planned turnarounds will coincide  offline this spring as a result of maintenance
       Around 5% of Canada’s   with rising oil prices and global supply concerns  work, according to analyst estimates cited by
       oil production is expected   amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  Reuters.
       to go offline this spring   Worries about supply shortages represent a   “Based on the guidance from various compa-
       as a result of planned   significant turnaround from just two years ago,  nies on turnarounds we are assuming 250,000
       maintenance.      when the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic  barrels per day [bpd] is down for the entirety
                         caused a rapid drop in oil demand and prices.  of the second quarter,” a Tudor, Pickering, Holt
       WHY:              At the time, there were even fears that storage  and Co. (TPH) analyst, Matt Murphy, was
       Oil sands producers   capacity could run out. Now, conversely, there  quoted as saying by the news service.
       typically carry out   are concerns over the impact additional sup-  Reuters also cited traders in Calgary as say-
       maintenance in the   ply shortages could have on oil prices that have  ing that a supply crunch for synthetic crude
       spring, but this year it   already hit 14-year highs briefly in recent days  would intensify in May, when maintenance
       will coincide with high   before dropping back slightly.  starts on both Canadian Natural Resources Ltd’s
       prices and global supply   Beyond the maintenance season, Canada is  (CNRL) Horizon upgrader and Suncor Energy’s
       concerns.         being touted as one of the countries that could  U2 upgrader. Indeed, there are already supply
                         potentially ramp up output, helping to put  disruptions, with Shell issuing a force majeure
       WHAT NEXT:        downward pressure on rising oil prices. But  declaration at its 300,000 bpd Scotford upgrader
       Industry supporters are   those arguing for this to happen will find them-  last week after a unit at the facility tripped. That
       increasingly calling for   selves clashing with opponents of further oil  upgrader is scheduled to begin a 65-day turna-
       Canada step up exports   sands development on environmental grounds  round later this month, according to an investor
       to the US to offset lost   as the question of how to balance energy tran-  presentation from CNRL, which owns a stake
       Russian volumes.  sition goals with current oil demand becomes  in the project. A separate Reuters report cited
                         increasingly important.              traders as saying Shell had cut its deliveries for

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   10•March•2022
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