Page 19 - LatAmOil Week 44 2020
P. 19

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       BPC provides operational

       update on Trinidad and
       Tobago and Suriname

       Bahamas Petroleum Co. (BPC), the Caribbean
       and Atlantic margin focused oil and gas com-
       pany, with production, appraisal, development
       and exploration assets across the region, has
       provided an operational update in relation to its
       assets in Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname.
         Trinidad and Tobago: Substantial increase in
       field activities, including an additional rig being
       deployed into the field to further expand work-
       over capability/capacity; production decline  of seismic and well log data from Heritage Petro-  reservoir zones, a much more accurate and
       arrested and early signs of sustainable overall  leum Company.           focused effort on enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
       production increase consistent with strategy and   The data package consists of 37 square km  techniques will be possible, reducing reser-
       plan; target baseline production rate of 500 bpd  of 3D seismic volume (including related pro-  voir risk and potentially resulting in a material
       by the end of 2020, as previously announced,  cessing and reprocessing reports), 2D seismic  increase in production and reserves.
       remains unchanged; plans for enhanced oil  lines, 3D seismic line extracts/regional lines and   Bruce Dingwall CBE, Executive Chairman of
       recovery (EOR) projects submitted for approval  well log data for 16 Heritage operated wells. The  Trinity, commented: “This is a significant step for
       to Trinidad and Tobago regulatory authorities;  seismic data covers the full extent of Trinity’s  Trinity. As a technically and commercially driven
       CO2 injection project production well work  onshore licence areas, including a 4km buffer  production company, we are highly focused on
       programme approved and workover commenc-  zone around the assets. The Company under-  maximising returns from our assets. As such, we
       ing imminently; work programme defined to  stands this to be the first time that Heritage has  believe that acquiring this data package will sig-
       appraise Saffron discovery, including develop-  agreed to make 3D seismic data available to an  nificantly enhance our ability to exploit the pro-
       ment of the drill plan for Saffron #2, target spud  independent lease operator for onshore areas in  duction potential of our onshore portfolio using
       date in Q1-2021; multiple prospects identified  Trinidad.                the most modern methodologies.
       across the South West Peninsula (SWP) port-  Trinity’s onshore licence areas sit within the   “The 3D data, in particular, has the poten-
       folio that are estimated by management to each  super-giant greater Forest Reserve Field, located  tial to revolutionise how we identify, target and
       have more than 10mn barrels of recoverable  in southwest Trinidad. The Field was discovered  extract reserves using high angle and horizon-
       resource potential (i.e. each equivalent in size to  in 1914 and has produced over 1.2bn barrels of  tal drilling techniques to maximise economic
       Saffron).                           oil to date with a recovery factor of between 12.5-  recovery. When you couple this with our lead-
         Suriname: Drill plan, work programme and  18%. Global averages for conventional recov-  ing position on automation and the use of data
       environmental studies for the Extended Well  ery factors in similar clastic reservoirs average  science in our operations, alongside the recent
       Test (EWT) submitted for approval to Suriname  between 25-30% and, as such, there is the poten-  proposed SPT changes, the potential to pro-
       regulatory authorities; target spud date for the  tial for a very significant uplift in production and  vide a step-change in returns from our onshore
       first well in Q1-2021.              reserves.                            licences has been greatly enhanced.
         Across the portfolio: Rapid progress to the   The acquired data will enable Trinity to   “This is to the benefit of all stakeholders;
       commencement of drilling the Perseverance #1  develop a modern structural and stratigraphic  shareholders, Heritage, the GORTT and ulti-
       well in The Bahamas before the end of this year;  approach to analysing basin fill and deformation.  mately the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. On
       on track to deliver Competent Person’s Report  Specifically, the 3D seismic data will enable the  behalf of the Board I must thank Heritage for
       (CPR) in mid-November 2020, covering all the  Company to build the basin model, stratigraphic  their progressive approach in enabling access to
       Company’s assets in Trinidad and Tobago and  framework and the sediment fill history in three  the data package.”
       Suriname.                           dimensions, which is the most critical element   Arlene Chow, CEO of Heritage Petroleum
       Bahamas Petroleum Co., November 03 2020  to this process. This is expected to result in the  Company Ltd (HPCL), commented: “We are
                                           identification of new subsurface drilling targets  proud to collaborate with Trinity in their effort to
       Trinity Exploration acquires        which, when coupled to high angle and hori-  build new ways of doing business to our mutual
                                           zontal drilling and modern completion meth-
                                                                                benefit. It is in the best interest of Heritage, and
       onshore 3D and 2D seismic           ods, could result in a step change in reserves and  by extension the State, for our onshore partners
                                                                                to refine their understanding of the fields in
       data set from Trinidad’s            stratigraphic framework will facilitate a poten-  will allow Trinity to develop its subsurface mod-
                                              When developed, this new structural and  which they operate. It is hoped that this dataset
       Heritage Petroleum                  tially transformative shift in exploitation tech-  els, apply new well design and completion tech-
                                           niques, improving the economics of drilling  niques and create enhanced oil recovery projects
       Trinity Exploration & Production, the inde-  horizontal wells and, ultimately, making them  to maximize economic recovery and production
       pendent E&P company focused on Trinidad  become standard practice onshore Trinidad  from our assets.”
       and Tobago, has announced that the Group has  where applicable. In addition, with a better   Trinity Exploration & Production, November 03
       entered into an agreement to acquire a package  understanding of facies and distribution of the   2020

       Week 44   05•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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