Page 14 - MEOG Week 50 2021
P. 14
Das crude for February loading at premiums Mohammad Asgari, a spokesman for the agreement to co-develop and license Saudi
of about $2 to $2.30 a barrel to Dubai quotes, National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Aramco’s heavy oil processing initiative
trade sources said, down from premiums of said gas production was not affected by the (HOPI+) technology.
more than $5 in the previous month. accident, the semi-official YJC news agency HOPI+ aims to achieve relatively higher
Italy’s Eni is supplying 1.5 million barrels, reported. conversion of vacuum residue and other
while PetroChina has sold 1 million barrels, Iran has the world’s second largest natural available heavy feeds, including incremental
they said. RINL, Total and Phillips 66 sold gas reserves but production has not kept pace crude, using CLG’s LC-FINING platform
500,000 barrels each, the sources said. with galloping demand for heavily subsidized (jointly referred to as LC-HOPI+). The LC-
The refiner last lifted similar volumes gas, because of lack of investment and foreign HOPI+ innovative process is expected to
of Das crude from Abu Dhabi in August, partners as the economy faces US sanctions. help minimize both CAPEX and OPEX and
Refinitiv data showed. IRAN INTL significantly improve margins for bottom-of-
No immediate comment was available the-barrel upgrading.
from Reliance. In 2019, Saudi Aramco joined CLG at
Separately, state refiner Bharat Petroleum SERVICES its research and development facility in
Corp (BPCL.NS) and Nayara Energy, part Richmond, California, to create and develop
owned by Russian oil major Rosneft (ROSN. IDC signs drilling deal with the initial concept pilot testing. Success there
MM), have bought Oman and Upper Zakum led to further HOPI+ evaluations against
crude for February loading, while Indian ZPEC different process schemes, which further
Oil Corp (IOC.NS) has a tender closing on helped quantify the technology’s added value.
Wednesday. The Iraqi Drilling Company signed a “HOPI+, combined with CLG’s LC-
REUTERS partnership contract with the Chinese FINING platform, is an innovative concept
company ZPEC. The Director General of the that simultaneously increases crude
Iraqi Drilling Company, Basem Abdul Karim throughput and converts residue to valuable
GAS said that the contract includes providing transportation fuels and petrochemical
support and completing the work associated feedstock while minimizing capital and
Pipeline explodes at Iran with drilling and reclamation operations energy,” said Ujjal Mukherjee, Managing
for the benefit of international companies
Director, CLG. “The initiative further
gas refinery operating Iraqi oil fields, developing the strengthens the relationship between Saudi
company’s cadres, and transferring expertise
Aramco and CLG as we develop, pursue
A gas condensate pipeline at a refinery in and technology. Abdul Karim said that these and commercialize new and innovative
southwestern Iran exploded on Thursday after contracts come within the framework of technology.”
being hit by an excavator, state-controlled upgrading the work of the national effort in “This collaboration with Chevron Lummus
news agencies reported. the field of drilling. Global reflects the focus of Saudi Aramco
“There were no casualties and rescue It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Drilling on breakthrough technologies that generate
and operations forces are at the scene of Company has concluded many contracts added value across the hydrocarbon chain,”
the accident and have cut off the line,” state with specialized international companies said Motaz Al-Mashouk, Executive Director,
broadcaster IRIB quoted the Parsian refinery’s such as Halliburton Company, Weatherford Saudi Aramco.
head as saying. The pipeline was shut off. Company and Schlumberger Company to Chevron Lummus Global and Saudi
There is no independent report about expand the scope of its work and expedite Aramco now intend to co-develop LC-HOPI+
the incident given Iran’s strict control of the implementation of projects and the technology before global commercialization
information. introduction of modern systems for work. by CLG.
The pipeline carries 32,000 barrels of gas MINISTRY OF OIL HYDROCARBON PROCESSING
condensate daily (12mn barrels per year)
worth approximately $900 million, to the CLG, Aramco sign CAPT bans company from
Persian Gulf cost.
Before US sanctions, Japan and Korea technology licensing deal KOC tenders for 6 months
were the biggest customers of Parsian’s gas
condensate. Now only China is a customer. Chevron Lummus Global LLC (CLG) and The Central Agency for Public Tenders has
The semi-official Fars news agency carried Saudi Aramco announced that they have decided to ban one of the general trading and
a similar report. signed a joint collaboration and license contracting companies from participating in
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 50 15•December•2021