Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 45
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                                                                      The GNA JV aims to import LNG for a gas-to-power project (Photo: GNA)

       Thinking ahead

       Brazil’s latest gas reform bill anticipates the need to liberalise access to pipelines,

       LNG terminals and other infrastructure ahead of the recovery in energy demand

                         ON September 1, members of the Chamber of   anti-vertical integration provisions will prevent
                         Deputies, the lower house of Brazil’s parliament,   companies from gaining monopoly control over
       WHAT:             voted to approve a bill designed to expand the   any part of the market.
       A bill expanding the   scope of the government reform programme for
       gas reform programme   the natural gas sector.         A good time for reform
       recently passed in the   The legislation builds on the “New Gas Mar-  Laercio Oliveira, the legislator who presented
       lower house of Brazil’s   ket” policy, the package of reforms that was   the measure in the Chamber of Deputies, told
       Parliament.       rolled out in April 2019. It aims to advance the   Reuters in late August that he expected the bill
                         liberalisation of Brazil’s domestic gas market   to help bring domestic gas prices down. “We
       WHY:              by altering the legal framework governing dis-  have the most expensive gas in the world, which
       The proposed reforms   tribution operations. More specifically, it seeks   forced hundreds of industries to shut down in
       will improve conditions   to replace the current regime, under which the   Brazil or change their source of energy,” said
       in the domestic market   government awards concessions to would-be   Oliveira, who represents the state of Sergipe.
       before the resurgence of   distributors, with one that makes the National   The bill has not taken effect, as it has yet to
       electricity demand.
                         Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels   pass through the Federal Senate, the upper
       WHAT NEXT:        (ANP) responsible for granting authorisations   house of parliament, and secure the signature
       The bill is slated to be   to applicants. Additionally, it bars gas produc-  of President Jair Bolsonaro. (It is due to be dis-
       submitted to the upper   ers from participating in the gas distribution   cussed in the Senate soon.)
       house in the near future.  business.                     Even so, the timing of the measure is good.
                           Officials in Brasília believe that the bill will   Brazil’s parliament and president would do well
                         promote competition in the distribution sec-  to adopt these additional reforms soon, before
                         tor by clearing some of the bureaucratic obsta-  the country’s energy demand recovers from
                         cles facing companies that are seeking to build   the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
                         new gas pipelines. They also hope that the   pandemic.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   12•November•2020
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