Page 15 - MEOG Week 27 2021
P. 15

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       overproduction, national exports fell slightly   The head of Mahshahr Export Terminal   repeatedly targeted in recent weeks, and about
       to 3,318,000 bpd.                   said: “This project entered the implementation  70 electricity towers have been attacked so far.
         Iraq’s national oil exports in June averaged   phase in 2007 and reached 80% progress   MEHR NEWS
       3,318,000 barrels (bpd) per day, just below   by 2017, but in the last two years, the most
       May’s exports of 3,336 million barrels, with   important part of the work, namely the   Oman LNG posts revenue
       federal and Kurdistan Regional Government   transmission and mooring capacity of the
       (KRG) oil. Sales declined slightly. But rising   terminal more than doubled.”  of $2.5bln in pandemic-hit
       global oil prices boosted federal revenues   Alizadeh pointed out that out of eight
       from oil sales that month by $ 224 million.  active docks in this terminal, five docks   2020
         According to monthly data provided by the   are now fully operational with a variety of
       Ministry of Petroleum, federal exports in June   petroleum products, and noted the product   Strong performance: Despite challenging
       averaged 28.92 million bpd, down from 2.899   transfer capacity in Mahshahr Export   global economic conditions and lower
       million bpd in May. Shipments from Basra   Terminal has tripled and this has caused   demand, Oman LNG successfully delivered a
       Bay exporters averaged 2.79 million bpd, and   the power of supply to exceed demand.   total of 155 cargoes last year, compared with
       federal exports to the Mediterranean Terminal  As a result, vessel services will increase   166 cargoes in 2019.
       in Ceyhan, Turkey via the North Pipeline   significantly.                  Amid a year hit hard by low international
       Route averaged 103,000 bpd.            The head of the export terminal of   oil prices and weakened global LNG demand,
       IRAQ OIL REPORT                     Mahshahr Port stated: “With the measures   Oman LNG saw revenue decline to $2.503
                                           taken, this port will become one of the   billion in 2020, down from $3.845 billion a
       50% Rise in Export Capacity         strategic ports of Iran because we do not have   year earlier. Net Income After Tax (NIAT)
                                                                                slumped to $663 million last year, down from
                                           such a capacity in the Middle East.
       of Mahshahr Port                    SHANA                                $1.112 billion in 2019.
                                                                                  However, despite the formidable
       The head of the export terminal of Mahshahr                              challenges posed by the pandemic-impacted
       Port said with implementation of the   GAS                               global economy, Oman LNG delivered a
       development plan, the storage capacity of                                “remarkable” performance overall, notably
       this export terminal has increased by 50%   North Gas Co. targeted in    in terms of its production, reliability, and
       from one billion liters to 1.5 billion liters and                        delivery of its strategic debottlenecking and
       the berth capacity of vessels in this port has   SW Kirkuk               power projects, top officials said.
       increased from 45,000 tons to 105,000 tons.                                “In its 20 years of operation, and despite
         Hossein Alizadeh told a press conference   An Iraqi security source in Kirkuk reported   the many challenges encountered over
       in Mahshahr Port this morning (Tuesday,   on Tuesday that North Gas Company in   the years, our company has continued to
       July 6), underlined the need to increase the   southwestern Kirkuk province had been   contribute to Oman’s growth on an ever-
       storage capacity of petroleum products and   targeted with a Katyusha rocket.  expanding scale. By all measures of success,
       the export transfer capacity of this terminal,   A rocket landed late last night near the   Oman LNG has sailed past all benchmarks
       adding: “Development of this terminal has   abandoned equipment of the Northern Gas   to become the profitable and sustainable
       been discussed since 2006.”         Company, 20 km southwest of Kirkuk, the   industry model that it is today,” Talal Hamid
         He said the export port of Mahshahr is 85   Iraqi security source said according to Shafaq   al Awfi, Chairman of the Board of Directors,
       years old and was built with the aim of paving   News.                   stated in the company’s newly published 2020
       the way for the export of petroleum products,   Stating that the attack did not cause any   Annual Report.
       adding: “This port was one of the strategic   casualties or financial damage, he said   Majority-state-owned Oman LNG, said
       ports of the country during the imposed war   that security forces arrived at the scene to   the Chairman, took early steps to mitigate
       due to its remoteness from attacks and today   investigate the attack.   the effects of collapsing oil prices and other
       it is still considered as one of the country’s   The attack comes as the Iraqi electricity sector,   adverse impacts on its production and
       important export port.”             including transmission towers, has been   financial obligations during the year. “To

       Week 27   07•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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