Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 02 2023
P. 10
NorthAmOil POLICY NorthAmOil
Biden administration proposes tougher
soot regulations, prioritising GHG cuts
US THE administration of US President Joe essential fuel and petrochemical products that
Biden is proposing tougher soot regulations. If serve as the backbone of the global economy,” it
adopted, the tightening would affect refineries said.
and petrochemical plants. Soot can also be emit- Also on January 6, the White House Council
ted from oil and gas drilling sites or diesel-fired on Environmental Quality (CEQ) issued interim
generators. guidance to federal agencies to consider mitiga-
The new proposed rule would strengthen tion measures for greenhouse gases (GHGs) to
regulations for smaller, fine particle pollution, in “the greatest extent possible” when conducting
the PM2.5 category. environmental reviews of projects.
The US Environmental Protection Agency’s “Disclosing and reducing emissions will If adopted,
(EPA) proposal would specifically strengthen ensure we’re building sustainable, resilient infra-
the standard from a level of 12 micrograms per structure for the 21st century and beyond,” said the tightening
cubic metre to 9-10 micrograms per cubic metre. the CEQ’s chair, Brenda Mallory. “These updated
Critics have called for a tougher 8-microgram guidelines will provide greater certainty and pre- would affect
standard to be adopted. dictability for green infrastructure projects, help
“Our work to deliver clean, breathable air grow our clean energy economy, and help ful- refineries and
for everyone is a top priority at EPA, and this fil President Biden’s climate and infrastructure petrochemical
proposal will help ensure that all communities, goals.”
especially the most vulnerable among us, are The guidance replaces 2016 emissions guid- plants.
protected from exposure to harmful pollution,” ance that was withdrawn by the administration
said the EPA’s Administrator, Michael Regan. of former US President Donald Trump. It rec-
“This proposal to deliver stronger health protec- ommends that agencies mitigate GHG emissions
tions against particulate matter is grounded in to the greatest extent possible.
the best available science.” Agencies should consider mitigation “when
The change would prevent up to 4,200 prema- those measures are reasonable and consistent
ture deaths per year, 270,000 lost workdays per with achieving the purpose and need for the
year; and would result in as much as $43bn in net proposed action,” said the CEQ. “Such mitiga-
health benefits in 2032, said the EPA . tion measures could include enhanced energy
The American Fuel & Petrochemical Manu- efficiency, renewable energy generation and
facturers welcomed the proposal. “The United energy storage … carbon capture and seques-
States has made incredible progress on reduc- tration … and capturing GHG emissions such
ing emissions, while continuing to deliver the as methane.”
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 02 12•January•2023