Page 20 - FSUOGM Week 35 2020
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FSUOGM                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       Route as an alternative to a direct route to   in assessing the potential of the Sakarya   September the company will hike the price
       China via the difficult, mountainous terrain   gas field, announced with great fanfare by   of gas for household consumers within the
       of Altai, BCS GM reminds.           Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on   framework of the Annual package. From
         However, BCS GM notes that project "will   August 21.                  September 1 to September 15, the price for
       be meaningless unless and until a supply   "If you say this is an economic miracle   12 months can be fixed at the level proposed
       agreement has been signed with China."   and that it's going to have this enormous   in August of UAH4.73 per cubic metre, and
         "As the project of a Mongolian export   impact, you have to be able to explain the   from September 16 to September 30 it will
       pipeline to China is still in its initial stage,   dynamics behind it," he added. "We want   increase by 10.8% (by UAH0.51 per cubic
       and there is no firm contract with China   to know the price of extraction, the price   metre), to UAH5.24 ($0.19) per cubic metre.
       for supplies through this pipeline (which   at which you'll be able to sell it, the rate of   "Gas prices all over the world are cyclical
       Gazprom has mentioned is a pre-requisite   extraction...."               and depend on the balance of supply and
       for a pipeline to be constructed) or, hence,   Turkey currently relies on Russia, Iran   demand," Naftogaz said. "Closer to cold
       sizable capex spending, we view this news as   and Azerbaijan for up to three-quarters of   weather the price of gas rises, and after
       not market moving," VTB Capital (VTBC)   its energy needs. It is also possibly slipping   the end of the heating season it falls. You
       wrote on August 26.                 towards a second balance of payments crisis   can protect yourself from price increases,
                                           within two years and there is suspicion   for example, using the Annual tariff from
                                           that the timing of the gas discovery   Naftogaz or other tariff proposals."
                                           announcement—in which Erdogan gave     Earlier, the Ministry of Economic
       EASTERN EUROPE                      a preliminary estimation of 320bn cubic   Development, Trade and Agriculture of
                                           metres (11.3 trillion cubic feet) of natural   Ukraine announced the average price of gas
       Naftogaz mulls increasing           gas and predicted that there would be   imports in July, which amounted to $124.44
                                           much more discovered in the vicinity—was
                                                                                per 1,000 cubic metres, which is 40.8% more
       hydrocarbon reserves                designed to give the embattled Turkish   than the price of June 2020 in dollar terms,
                                           president a lift with an unhappy electorate
                                                                                when it amounted to $88.37..
       The exploration and production division   and help defend the Turkish lira, facing
       of Ukraine's state-run oil and gas company   turbulent times on the currency markets
       Naftogaz has established an expert council   once more.
       that will develop a strategy to increase   Erdogan pledged that the first gas from   CENTRAL ASIA & SOUTH
       hydrocarbon reserves in Ukraine, the   Sakarya would reach Turkish consumers
       company said on August 28.          by 2023 but given the complex nature of   CAUCASUS
         The first constituent meeting of the expert   deepwater gas extraction that may be overly
       council took place on August 27. The council   optimistic.               CPC says oil exports fall by
       consists of 11 leading domestic scientists   "The targeted start-up date already looks
       and experts in the field of exploration and   ambitious" as it would require a "world-class   14.8% to 4.5mn tonnes in
       production of hydrocarbons. They will focus   and near-unprecedented project execution,"
       on the development of Naftogaz's strategy to   Ashley Sherman, principal analyst (Caspian   August
       increase gas reserves and a programme on   & Europe) at energy research house Wood
       exploration and production.         Mackenzie, told DW. Turkey, however, lacks   Oil exports via the Caspian Pipeline
         “Without a significant increase in   experience of deep-sea gas production.  Consortium (CPC) fell by 14.8% on the year to
       hydrocarbon reserves, Ukraine cannot count   Sherman also reportedly said that   4.527 million tonnes in August, the company
       on the growth of gas production, as well as   more wells needed to be appraised first to   said in a statement on September 1.
       its maintenance. By developing an updated   confirm resource estimates at Sakarya and   The multinational company pumps oil
       strategy to increase the resource base, we   to understand the geology of the field, as   from the west of Kazakhstan to a terminal
       seek to attract all available experience and   the Black Sea posed additional logistical   at the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. The
       expertise,” Oleksandr Romaniuk, director   challenges.                   consortium’s largest shareholders are Russia
       of Naftogaz’s exploration and production   Some analysts think that it could take up   with 31%, Kazakhstan with 20.75% and
       division, said in a statement.      to a decade to begin to extract the gas and   Chevron Caspian Pipeline Consortium
                                           that state-run energy firm TPAO will need   Company with 15%.
                                           to form a joint venture with a foreign energy
       Analysts ponder whether             giant to fully realise the project. Ankara has
                                           insisted it will go it alone.
       Turkey’s “miracle” gas

       discovery could be a dud            Naftogaz will raise price of

       Energy import-dependent Turkey has   gas for population by 45%
       hailed its gas discovery in the Black Sea as a
       “miracle”, insisting it has the potential to meet   Ukraine's state-run oil and gas company
       one-third of its natural gas needs, but some   Naftogaz will increase the price of natural
       analysts are sceptical that it will turn out to be   gas within the Monthly package sold in
       anything like as impressive.        September by 45.1% (by UAH1.46 per cubic
         "The find was very hastily announced   metre) compared to August, to UAH4.7
       after such a limited period of exploration,"   per cubic metre (including VAT, excluding
       Nate Schenkkan, director for special research   delivery), the company said on August 27.
       at US think tank Freedom House, told DW   In addition, in the second half of

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