Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 28 2021
P. 4

      LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY Y                                          LatAmOil

                                                                                                  (Photo: TransTech Energy)

       The consequences of

       AMLO’s energy policy

       The Mexican president’s efforts to ensure that state-owned companies dominate

       the fuel and energy sector are putting pressure on downstream operators

                         SINCE taking office in 2018, Mexican Presi-  that have invested in Mexican fuel and energy
                         dent Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has been   projects since 2013. On the upstream end, for
       WHAT:             working to ensure that state-owned organisa-  example, it appears to have been a factor in the
       Government inspectors   tions such as Pemex, the national oil company   government’s recent decision to transfer control
       have reportedly idled a   (NOC), and the Federal Electricity Commission   of Zama, a large oilfield offshore Tabasco State,
       number of fuel import   (CFE), the national power provider, play the   from US-based Talos Energy to Pemex. It has
       terminals.        leading roles in the energy sector. To this end,   also led Mexico City to restrict investors’ access
                         he has repeatedly criticised the market-oriented   to new oil and gas prospects by calling off licens-
       WHY:              energy reforms enacted by his predecessor Enri-  ing rounds or postponing them indefinitely.
       Mexico City is trying to   que Peña Nieto, which were designed to expose   But the disruption isn’t confined to upstream
       shield state-owned com-  Pemex and CFE to a certain level of competition   operations. Mexico’s downstream sector is also
       panies from competition.  from privately owned companies.  under pressure – and it has no easy way to move
                           So far, the president has not yet said defini-  forward.
       WHAT NEXT:        tively whether he will try to repeal those meas-
       If the inspection cam-  ures through the adoption of a constitutional   Inspections and shutdowns
       paign disrupts too many   amendment. He has demonstrated, though,   As far as Lopez Obrador is concerned, the prob-
       shipments, the country
       could run short of fuel   that he is willing to use administrative means to   lem on the downstream end is that Peña Nieto’s
       – and the government   render the reforms ineffective.  energy reforms needlessly eliminated Pemex’s
       may try harder to protect   This approach has already had a negative   long-standing monopoly on fuel production,
       Pemex.            impact on some of the foreign companies   imports and sales.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 28   15•July•2021
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