Page 18 - FSUOGM Week 32
P. 18

FSUOGM                                       PERFORMANCE                                            FSUOGM

       Russian wholesale gasoline prices

       slide back from record highs

                         GASOLINE prices on Russia’s St Petersburg  turn a profit.
                         International Mercantile Exchange (SPIMEX)   While the wholesale market has been vola-
                         have slid back since reaching record highs in July,  tile, pump prices have been stable throughout
                         thanks to an increase in fuel supply.  the crisis because of the so-called damper tax
                           Wholesale fuel prices soared last month, fol-  mechanism introduced last year. This mecha-
                         lowing a faster-than-anticipated rebound in fuel  nism requires fuel suppliers to pay extra into the
                         demand after coronavirus (COVID-19) restric-  budget when domestic oil products are higher
                         tions were eased. The speed of the recovery took  than export netbacks, but allows them to collect
                         some refiners by surprise.           a subsidy when the situation is reversed.
                           The cost of 95 gasoline has averaged   Besides increased fuel production, refiners
                         RUB50,500 ($686) per tonne so far this month,  have also been ordered by the government to
                         down 15% from highs in July, whereas 92 gas-  divert more supplies to the domestic wholesale
                         oline now costs RUB49,200, down 5%, Kom-  market in order to bring down prices.
                         mersant reported on August 10. Prices are now   In a research note on August 10, VTB Capi-
                         approaching their level at the end of May, the  tal (VTBC) noted that the decline in wholesale
                         newspaper said.                      prices had shifted the profitability of the oil
                           The spike in prices last month meant that  majors from refining to the fuel retail segment.
                         gasoline was selling on the Russian wholesale  Retail margins have averaged $84 per tonne so
                         market at a significant premium to export prices.  far this month, the bank estimated, versus $66
                         That premium has now shrunk, thanks to rising  per tonne in July.
                         refining throughput.                   However, VTBC noted that despite the
                           High wholesale prices created problems for  wholesale price decline, refineries’ domestic
                         independent fuel retailers, who complained in  sales were still more profitable than export sales,
                         late July that these prices had reached parity with  meaning they will continue paying the damper
                         pump prices, making it impossible for them to  tax. ™

       Lukoil output slumps in Q2 on OPEC+

       cuts, weaker Uzbek gas sales

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S biggest independent oil and gas pro-  new OPEC+ deal, from a 10mn bpd baseline
                         ducer Lukoil suffered a 17.3% year-on-year  level.
      Uzbek gas sales to   decline in output in the second quarter, on the   Lukoil pointed to growth at several key West-
      China slumped due to   back of OPEC+ cuts and weaker Uzbek gas sales  ern Siberian projects, however, including the
      coronavirus lockdowns.  to China.                       Vinogradov, Imilorskoye, Sredne-Nazymskoye
                           Hydrocarbon production averaged 1.981mn  and Pyakyakhinskoye fields. It also boosted
                         barrels of oil equivalent per day in the three  high-viscosity oil output at the Yaregskoye and
                         months ending June 30, versus 2.324mn boepd  Usinskoye deposits.
                         a year earlier. This excludes contributions from   Lukoil produced some 6.4bn cubic metres of
                         Iraq’s West Qurna-2 project.         gas in the second quarter, marking a 24% decline
                           Output during the first half of the year was  y/y. First-half output was 14.8 bcm, down 15%
                         more stable, falling only 8.3% y/y to 2.155mn  y/y.
                         boepd.                                 The company blamed these results on a
                           Oil extraction came to 18.82mn tonnes  slowdown in Chinese gas demand. Chinese gas
                         (1.52mn bpd) in the second quarter excluding  consumption has grown at a much slower rate
                         West Qurna-2 volumes, down 12% y/y. First-  this year as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19)
                         half output was down 5.6% at 40.2mn tonnes  lockdowns imposed early on in the year. Chinese
                         (1.62mn bpd). These declines were driven by  companies have prioritised domestic supply
                         reductions in Russia, which agreed to slash its  while cutting back on imports, including from
                         oil output to 8.5mn bpd in April under the  Lukoil’s Southwest Gissar and Kandym projects

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 32   12•August•2020
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