Page 6 - FSUOGM Week 32
P. 6

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       US threatens sanctions against

       German port for assisting with

       Nord Stream 2

       Both Germany and the European Commission are looking at measures to shield

       businesses from potential US punitive action

        GERMANY          US lawmakers have threatened “crushing legal  early 2021, more than a year behind schedule.
                         and economic sanctions” against a small Ger-  Russia has two pipelaying vessels on standby
       WHAT:             man port if it assists Russian vessels in complet-  in northern Europe. The first, Akademik Cher-
       US lawmakers have   ing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.    skiy, is moored off Mukran. Until recently it
       threaten Germany's   In a letter, Republican Senators Ted Cruz,  belonged to Gazprom’s shipping arm Gaz-
       Mukran port with   Tom Cotton and Ron Johnson accused the  prom Flot, although Russia’s RBC news agency
       sanctions.        Mukran port operator of “knowingly providing  reported last week that the ship had been trans-
                         significant goods, services and support” for the  ferred to an entity called Samara Heat and
       WHY:              project. Over the years, Mukran has served as a  Energy Property Fund, whose beneficiaries are
       German officials say this   logistic and service centre for vessels working on  unknown.
       is no way to act with an   Nord Stream 2. Gazprom has also been using the   It is understood that this step was taken to
       ally.             port to store pipes.                 protect Gazprom from any potential further
                           A first round of US sanctions against Nord  sanctions.
       WHAT NEXT:        Stream 2 was introduced in December last year,   The second vessel, Fortuna, is leased by Rus-
       Sanctions could prove   forcing Swiss contractor Allseas to halt pipelay-  sian offshore pipeline specialist MRTS, although
       ineffectual, simply   ing activities. Russia is planning to use its own  its ultimate owner is unknown. It is currently
       souring US-EU ties.  vessels to complete the remaining 6% of the pipe-  stationed at the German port of Rostock, but
                         line’s offshore section. Moscow now hopes to see  according to RBC, MRTS will not use the ship
                         Nord Stream 2 start pumping gas to Germany in  through fear of incurring Washington’s wrath.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 32   12•August•2020
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