Page 13 - DMEA Week 48 2020
P. 13

DMEA                                               NRG                                                DMEA

                         coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and said   If you’d like to read more about the key events
                         that the partners “remained committed through-  shaping the Middle East’s oil and gas sector then
                         out to completing its exploratory commitments   please click here for NewsBase’s MEOG Monitor .
                         in full, despite operational activities in Guyana
                         being severely affected for much of 2020.”  NorthAmOil: Shale producers pivot to-
                                                              wards gas
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   US shale producers are reported to be turning
                         the Latin American oil and gas sector then please click   their attention to natural gas amid projections
                         here for NewsBase’s LatAmOil Monitor .  that gas prices will rise higher than oil prices.
                                                              This comes as OPEC meets this week, amid jit-
                         MEOG: Gulf upstream uptick           ters over the impact any rise in global production
                         A string of announcements last week show that  could have on crude prices.
                         operators are returning to action across the Mid-  Earlier this month, EOG Resources, one of
                         dle East despite uncertainty about the future of  the US’ largest shale producers, said in Novem-
                         the OPEC+ agreement.                 ber that it would start selling gas from 15 new   These gas wells,
                           Maintaining the momentum following the  wells next year from a newly discovered field in
                         usual post-ADIPEC flurry, Abu Dhabi National  Texas holding 21 trillion cubic feet (595bn cubic   targeting the
                         Oil Co. (ADNOC) announced that it had agreed  metres) of gas.
                         a $519mn extension to the world’s largest ever   These gas wells, targeting the Eagle Ford and   Eagle Ford and
                         seismic survey, currently being carried out by  Austin Chalk plays, are reported to be as profita-
                         Chinese firm BGP. The survey, which is being  ble as the company’s best oil wells.  Austin Chalk
                         shot both onshore and offshore, will now cover   Also in November, Apache said it planned   plays, are
                         around 82,000 square km, with ADNOC look-  to complete three Texas wells after boosting its
                         ing to continue its prolific exploration form  third-quarter US gas production by 15% over   reported to be as
                         following the previous week’s discovery of 24bn  the second quarter and 6% over the same period
                         barrels of oil.                      of 2019, and Continental Resources recently  profitable as the
                           In Iraqi Kurdistan, London-listed Genel  shifted drilling rigs to gas from oil in Oklahoma.
                         Energy announced first oil from its Sarta field,   Both US oil and gas rig counts have been   company’s best
                         with an expansion planned for early 2021.  rising in recent weeks after bottoming out over   oil wells.
                         Despite having been delayed because of issues  the summer. Country-wide gas rig counts are up
                         related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-  13% since July, and over that period the number
                         demic, first oil comes less than two years after  of active rigs has increased 25% in the Haynes-
                         the company acquired its 30% working interest  ville shale and 8% in the Marcellus – both gas
                         from Chevron. Elsewhere in the semi-autono-  plays.
                         mous region, Russia’s Gazprom Neft reached   Part of the reason US gas prices are improv-
                         total cumulative production of 32mn barrels  ing is that associated production of natural gas
                         from its Sarqala field, where output is anticipated  from oil-rich regions has fallen as shale drillers
                         to increase to 32,000 barrels per day (bpd) in the  scaled back activity earlier this year. Indeed, the
                         first half of 2021.                  US Energy Information Administration (EIA)
                           Meanwhile, drilling work is set to resume  projected in mid-November that nationwide
                         offshore Oman this month, with Masirah Oil  gas production would contract again in both
                         Ltd acquiring a jack-up from Shelf Drilling to  November and December.
                         further develop the Yumna oilfield and explore
                         the wider potential of Block 50, where a previ-  If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         ous report estimated resources at more than 4bn   the North American oil and gas sector then please click
                         barrels.                             here for NewsBase’s NorthAmOil Monitor .™

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