Page 6 - MEOG Week 32.indd
P. 6

MEOG                                   PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           MEOG

       Iraq ships gasoil to Lebanon as aid

        IRAQ/LEBANON     IRAQ has begun delivering gasoil to Lebanon as  also delivered some 20 tonnes of medical aid.
                         a form of humanitarian aid following an explo-  Gasoil and heavy fuel oil are used as feedstock at
                         sion last week that flattened much of Beirut’s port  many of Lebanon’s power plants. But shortages
                         and the surrounding area.            have been chronic and the country’s electricity
                           Lebanese officials say the blast occurred at a  infrastructure is poorly maintained, resulting in
                         warehouse which stored some 2,740 tonnes of  frequent power outages for decades.
                         ammonium nitrate and caused up to $15bn in   Blackouts have become even more common
                         damage. The explosion left at least 158 people  recently as a result of a dispute with Sonatrach,
                         dead, 6,000 injured and 300,000 homeless.  Lebanon’s main fuel oil supplier, over accusa-
                           Lebanon is already struggling with years of  tions that the Algerian firm has been adulterat-
                         economic decline and government mismanage-  ing supplies.
                         ment and corruption, and the disaster has stoked   Lebanon has said it wants to diversify its
                         public anger against authorities. The country has  fuel imports once contracts with Sonatrach and
                         reached out to dozens of countries for financial  Kuwait’s KPC expire at the end of this year. The
                         and humanitarian support.            government is in talks with companies and is
                           In a statement on August 8, the Iraqi embassy  preparing to hold a tender for fuel oil deliveries
                         in Beirut said that a convoy of 20 tanker trucks  beginning in 2021.
                         laden with 720,000 litres of gasoil had arrived in   Ismael noted that Iraq was also willing to
                         Lebanon. Iraq stands by its “brother” Lebanon,”  provide Lebanon with heavy fuel oil. The two
                         the embassy said.                    countries held negotiations last month on Iraq
                           Iraqi Oil Minister Ihsan Ismael said gasoil  supplying fuel oil to Lebanon in exchange for
                         cargoes would continue, noting that Iraq had  agricultural products.™


       Genel provides first half update

       ahead of Sarta start-up

        KURDISTAN        LONDON-BASED Genel Energy last week    Meanwhile, drilling work at Tawke has been
                         announced its first-half results, reporting a  slowed by the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-
                         $340mn operating loss while generating $6.5mn  19) pandemic coupled with uncertainty about
                         of free cash flow (FCF).             payments, but a slideshow noted “the ability to
                           In a presentation to analysts on August 6,  rapidly scale up as the external environment
                         CEO Bill Higgs praised the company’s “robust”  improves”.
                         business model, and said that Genel’s “low-cost   Genel holds a 25% WI in Tawke, where gross
                         production and the capital flexibility within our  production averaged 108,580 bpd during the
                         development programme have enabled us to  first half, increasing to 115,000 bpd following
                         preserve the strength of our balance sheet even  fast-tracked activity amid improved oil price and
                         while investing in growth.”          payment stability.
                           While the company already produces from   Civil construction work at Sarta is now mate-
                         multiple licences within Kurdistan, the focus of  rially complete, with the company now focused
                         2020 is undoubtedly Sarta, which Genel antici-  on the completion and commissioning of the
                         pates bringing into production towards the end  20,000 bpd central processing facility (CPF).
                         of the year. Of an anticipated second-half capital  This had been expected to occur in mid-2020,
                         expenditure (Capex) of $45mn, around 50% is  bringing with it initial production. Once the CPF
                         earmarked to be spent on bringing Sarta into  is commissioned, the Sarta-2 well recompleted
                         production.                          and re-entry carried out at the Sarta-3 well, pro-
                           For followers of Genel and Kurdistan, the  duction will commence and cargoes transported
                         focus on Sarta further emphasises just how far  to the export pipeline at Khurmala. Production
                         Taq Taq has dropped down the pecking order  phase 1A will target 34mn barrels of 2P gross
                         in recent years. Taq Taq field was once the firm’s  reserves in the Mus-Adaiyah reservoirs.
                         flagship asset, producing in excess of 100,000   Meanwhile, Genel is still owed $121mn by
                         bpd in 2015. However, following major reserves  the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in
                         downgrades, output has now fallen to just 11,260  relation to past production and Higgs said that
                         bpd, with Genel holding a 44% working interest.  talks with Erbil remained ongoing.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 32   12•August•2020
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