Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 46 2019
P. 11

Trinidad: Touchstone
announces Coho-1
gas test results
Touchstone Exploration has provided pro- duction test results for the Coho-1 well on the Ortoire exploration block, onshore in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. As previously reported, the Coho-1 exploration well (Touch- stone 80% working interest operator, Heritage Petroleum Company 20% working interest) was spudded on August 7, 2019 and was drilled to a total depth of 8,560 feet (2,609 metres). Wire- line logs indicated approximately 64 feet (19.51 metres) of prospective natural gas pay in the Herrera Gr7b formation between 5,486 and 5,782 feet (1,672 and 1,762 metres).
Production testing of the Herrera Gr7b for- mation commenced on November 16, 2019 with a flowback period spanning seven hours using gradually increasing choke sizes. During the final flowback period, a peak rate of 19.8mn cubic feet per day (560,700 cubic metres per day, or 3,300 barrels of oil equivalent) of dry, sweet natural gas was observed with a wellhead pressure of 2,632 psi on a 32/64-inch (1.27-cm) choke. The average natural gas rate associated with this final period was 17.5mn cubic feet per day (495,600 cubic metres per day, or 2,917 boepd) with an estimated 23% draw-down. Dur- ing the total flowback test period, 2.1bn cubic feet (59.5mn cubic metres) of natural gas was recovered as well as 22.5 barrels of water, repre- senting approximately 68% of the total load fluid used during completion operations.
Given the higher-than-expected initial test rates and due to equipment limitations and con- cerns regarding the environmental impact of the test flare, the company chose to shorten the flowback period and to conduct the balance of the testing at restricted drawdowns. Currently, 13 hours remain in the final 24-hour stabilised flow period. The average stabilised test rate over the past 11 hours was 11.8mn cubic feet per day (334,200 cubic metres per day, or 1,963 boepd) at an average wellhead pressure of 2,795 psi on a restricted 28/64-inch (1.111-cm) choke, result- ing in an estimated 18% draw down.
Over the current 37-hour flowback and pro- duction testing period, a total of 11.2mn cubic feet (317,200 cubic metres) of natural gas and 298 barrels of water have been recovered, including 37 barrels of load water. Water production aver- aged 23 barrels per 1bn cubic feet (28.32 mcm) of natural gas, significantly below the company’s expectations based on offset well data.
Upon completion of the stabilised flow test, the well will be shut-in for an extended pressure
build-up test. The company will release full anal- ysis of the pressure build-up test when full results are available.
Paul R. Baay, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented: “These positive well test results represent a new era for Touchstone as we expect to add significant natural gas volumes to our production base. The results outline the opportunities that still exist for onshore Trini- dad exploration and position Touchstone to become a top three onshore petroleum producer. It must also be noted that the Coho-1 well is in the smallest prospect of the Ortoire exploration programme. The company will proceed to tie in the well through a 3-km pipeline to an existing production facility that has capacity in excess of this well’s estimated production rates. We antici- pate bringing the well on production during the first half of 2020.”
Touchstone Exploration, November 18 2019
Petrobras reports on production start-up of P-68
Petrobras reports that today it started up oil and natural gas production at platform P-68 in the Berbigão field, in the Santos Basin pre-salt.
Following P-67, in the Lula field, and P-76 and P-77, in the Buzios field, P-68 is the fourth unit to start up in 2019, in line with the Petrobras Business and Management Plan.
With a capacity to process up to 150,000 barrels of oil per day and compress up to 6mn cubic metres of natural gas, P-68 will contribute to Petrobras’ production growth, particularly in 2020, with new wells being interconnected in the Berbigão field and the interconnection of wells in Sururu field.
The platform, a FPSO (floating production, storage and off-loading) unit, is located approx- imately 230 km off the coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, at a water depth of 2,280 metres. The
project provides for the interconnection of P-68 to ten production wells and seven injector wells. The oil production offloading will be made by shuttle tankers, while gas production will be transported through the pre-salt gas pipeline routes.
The Berbigão and Sururu fields are located in the BM-S-11A, operated by Petrobras (42.5%), in partnership with Shell Brasil Petróleo (25%), Total E&P do Brasil (22.5%) and Petrogal Brasil (10%). Reservoirs of these fields also extend to areas under the Transfer of Rights Agreement (100% Petrobras) and, after the unitisation pro- cess, they will compose the joint reservoir of Ber- bigão and Sururu.
Petrobras, November 14 2019
Avenir LNG collaborates
with Golar Power on small-
scale LNG in Brazil
Avenir LNG will collaborate with Golar Power (Golar Power) in developing the small-scale LNG market in Brazil. Avenir’s second 7,500- cubic metre LNG Carrier will be used to deliver LNG to various ports across Brazil upon delivery. The vessel will also offer ship-to-ship bunkering capability as part of Avenir’s global multi-nodal bunkering solution; adding to the Colombian, Mediterranean and Malaysian nodes which the company currently offers.
Commenting on the collaboration with Golar Power, Andrew Pickering, CEO of Avenir LNG, said: “This is another step in our strategy where we are working closely with a shareholder in lev- eraging its FSRU platform to develop small-scale LNG distribution and bunkering in key develop- ing markets.”
         Week 46 21•November•2019
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