Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 46 2019
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Commenting on the collaboration with Ave- nir LNG, Eduardo Antonello, CEO of Golar Power, said: “Accessing small-scale tonnage to distribute LNG in Brazil underpins Golar Pow- er’s commitment to the fast-growing Brazilian LNG market – a pivotal part of Golar Power’s strategy. We are pleased to be able to leverage Golar LNG’s shareholding and direct access to tonnage through Avenir LNG.”
Avenir LNG, November 19 2019
TGS announces expansion
of 3D project offshore
Further to a previous press release dated Octo- ber 30, 2019, TGS today announced an expan- sion of the Malvinas 3D multi-client seismic programme offshore Argentina. The Malvinas 3D seismic survey will now cover approximately 17,800 square km of the highly prospective Malvinas Basin. This expansion represents a 10,500-square km increase from the previously announced 7,300 square km.
To accommodate the expansion, the survey will employ two Shearwater vessels, with oper- ations set to commence in Q4-2019 and run until Q2-2020. Initial products will be available in early 2021, with final products slated for H2 2021. The data will be processed by TGS utilising itshigh-qualityimagingtechnologiestoprovide clients with high resolution imaging to greatly
assist exploration efforts in the prolific southern Argentine shelf play.
Kristian Johansen, CEO at TGS, commented: “We are delighted to announce the expansion of the Malvinas 3D project. The increased commit- ment from clients to fund new projects offshore Argentina demonstrates the value that E&Ps place in seismic as a vital tool to make informed drilling decisions. The addition of the Malvinas 3D survey, combined with our well data, 2D seis- mic and interpretation products in the region, ideally positions TGS as a leader in exposing this frontier area for additional exploration and bol- sters our growth strategy in the Southern Atlan- tic. We look forward to further expanding our data library in the region and partnering with E&Ps in their future developments.”
The project is supported by industry fund- ing. TGS operates as NOPEC Geophysical in Argentina.
TGS, November 20 2019
Saipem wins new subsea contract in Guyana
Saipem has been awarded a subsea contract by ExxonMobil subsidiary Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Ltd (EEPGL) for the pro- posed Payara development project located in the Stabroek block offshore Guyana at a water depth of around 2,000 metres. The contract scope includes subsea structures, risers and flowlines. Saipem was awarded earlier subsea contracts for the first two phases of the Liza developmentinGuyanabyEEPGLin2017and in 2018, respectively.
Subject to government approvals, project sanction by EEPGL and its partners HESS Guyana Exploration Ltd and CNOOC Nexen Petroleum Guyana Ltd and an authorisation to proceed with the final phase, Saipem will per- form the detailed engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) of a large subsea production facility. This facility will include approximately 130 km of flowlines, rigid risers, associated terminations and jump- ers, together with the installation of manifolds, flexible risers, dynamic and static umbilicals and flying leads. Testing and pre-commissioning of the subsea field will follow installation.
Before the necessary government approv- als and project sanction, the contract award will allow the start of limited activities, namely detailed engineering and procurement. Saipem’s flagship vessels FDS2 and Constellation will per- form the offshore operations using an optimised combination of different pipe-lay methods: J-Lay and Reel-lay.
Stefano Cao, Saipem’s CEO, commented: “The award of this new contract strengthens Saipem’s presence in Guyana. The long-term basis of our co-operation with our clients is at the very foundation of our business model. Working with ExxonMobil, especially on the continued oil and gas development projects in Guyana, repre- sents both an opportunity and a responsibility to preserve our relationship with stakeholders through sustainable performance. Our relentless attention to safety, environment, innovation and cost efficiency are key to consolidate our position as one of the leading companies in the offshore subsea.”
Furthermore, Saipem has been awarded cer- tain variation orders for additional works linked to ongoing offshore E&C projects in Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan and in the North Sea. The overall value of the above-mentioned contracts, together with the contract in Guyana, is worth approximately $880mn.
Saipem, November 14 2019
Shawcor to provide pipe
coating services for the
proposed Payara project
Shawcor today announced that its pipe coat- ing division has entered into a detailed letter of intent with Saipem for the proposed Payara development project located in the Stabroek block offshore Guyana.
The coating value of this phase is estimated to be similar to the individual phases of the Liza development that have already been awarded. As previously announced the combined coating value of Liza phase 1 and phase 2 was approxi- mated at CAD110mn.
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Week 46 21•November•2019