Page 13 - MEOG Week 41 2022
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NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global Ahead of the summit, a majority of EU coun-
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join tries asked the European Commission to pro-
our team of international editors, who provide a pose the gas prices.
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their
regional beats. FSUOGM: Russia seizes Sakhalin-1
By clicking on the headline link for each sec- Russian President Vladimir Putin on October
tion the full text will be available. 7 ordered the seizure of the ExxonMobil-led
Sakhalin-1 oil project, signing a decree that
AfrOil: DR Congo rejects US request establishes a new operator to manage the devel-
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has opment. It follows a similar presidential decree
rejected a request from US climate envoy John introduced at the end of June, under which Rus-
Kerry to reduce the number of blocks included sia transferred all rights and obligations of the
in its current onshore licensing round from 30 to consortium managing the Sakhalin-2 project to
24, Environment Minister Eve Bazaiba revealed a Russian entity.
on October 5.
According to Bazaiba, Kerry made the GLNG: Kinder Morgan sells Elba LNG stake
request at a meeting with the DRC’s President Kinder Morgan announced on September 27
Felix Tshisekedi on October 4, arguing that pre- that it had closed the sale of a 25.5% interest in
venting oil and gas exploration at those blocks the Elba Liquefaction Co. (ELC) joint venture,
was necessary to protect forests. which operates a liquefaction plant on Elba
Island in Georgia.
AsianOil: EIG unit buys Oz LNG stakes The stake, which represents half of Kinder
MidOcean Energy, backed by US private equity Morgan’s interest in ELC, has been sold to an
group EIG, has struck a deal to acquire Tokyo undisclosed buyer for around $565mn.
Gas’ interests in four integrated Australian LNG
projects for $2.15bn in cash, EIG said in a state- LatAmOil: Staatsolie confirms auction plans
ment on October 7. Staatsolie, the national oil company of Suriname,
The projects – Gorgon LNG, Ichthys LNG, has confirmed that it still intends to launch a
Pluto LNG and Queensland Curtis LNG – are licensing round for deepwater acreage before
situated on Australia’s east and west coasts and the end of this year.
are major suppliers of LNG to Asian markets. Representatives of the company made state-
ments to this effect at the Guyana Basins Summit
DMEA: UAE’s retail fuel consumption up (GBS) 2022. At the conference, they reported
The UAE is seeing retail fuel consumption grow that Staatsolie would be kicking off the licens-
on the back of improvements in the economy, ing round before the end of the fourth quarter
but without returning to the level that prevailed of 2022.
before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic,
according to Saif Humaid Al Falasi, the group NorthAmOil: Suncor presses on with transition
CEO of Emirates National Oil Co. (ENOC). Leading oil sands producer Suncor Energy said
Speaking to Khaleej Times on the sidelines on October 5 that it had agreed to sell its wind
of an industry conference, Al Falasi noted that and solar assets to ATCO-owned Canadian Util-
Emirati fuel markets had not yet fully recovered ities for CAD730mn ($527mn).
from the blows sustained in 2020. In a statement, the company said it would
shift its focus to areas that were more comple-
EurOil: EU fails to make gas cap progress mentary to its core business, such as hydro-
EU leaders convened once more on October 7 gen and renewable fuels, in line with previous
to discuss the introduction of a price cap on gas announcements.
imports, but once more, member states failed to
decide on what form the measure would take.
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Week 41 12•October•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P13