Page 6 - AsiaElec Week 48 2022
P. 6

AsiaElec                                      COMMENTARY                                             AsiaElec

                         the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.  take at least a decade for Russia to pivot its oil
                           According to Agroexport, the supply of fish  and gas infrastructure from West to East. In the
                         and seafood, sunflower and rapeseed oil, poul-  meantime Russia has been boosting its sales to
                         try meat, and a variety of other items to this  China by any means it can.
                         region have increased. In particular, China in   Russia’s pipeline supplies of oil to China
                         2022 retained the second place among the buy-  amounted to 33mn tonnes in January-October,
                         ers of Russian agricultural products. According  which is around last year’s level, vice president of
                         to analysts, in the first 10 months of 2022, agri-  CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation)
                         cultural and food products were exported from  Huang Yongzhang said at the Russian-Chinese
                         Russia to China by 34% more than in the same  energy business forum.
                         period in 2021. This was partly owing to a surge   “In the first ten months of 2022, 33.26mn
                         in rapeseed oil sales, which climbed 2.2-fold and  tonnes of oil were imported via pipeline from
                         became the biggest category in Russian supplies  Russia to China,” he said.
                         to China. Frozen fish came in second, with sup-  The countries have extended the agree-
                         ply increasing by 81%.               ment on oil deliveries to China’s west, which
                                                              will ensure the supply of 100mn tonnes of oil
                         New export infrastructure            within the contract term, according to the vice
                         Looking further down the road, Russia and  president.
                         China are already looking to expand the energy   Delivery of oil by ship is also up by a quar-
                         infrastructure connecting their two economies.  ter (25%) in the first nine months of this year
                           Some gas is already transported by the East-  to 87.5mn tonnes, Russian Deputy Minister of
                         ern Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO), but it can  Transport Alexander Poshivai said at the forum.
                         carry at most about a tenth of the 155bcm of   “In the first nine months of 2021, 70mn
                         gas Russia used to send westwards before war.  tonnes of hydrocarbons were exported from
                         There are already plans to double ESPO’s capac-  Russia to China. In the first nine months of 2022,
                         ity that can be built relatively quickly, and a sec-  87.5mn tonnes of energy resources were carried
                         ond Soyuz-Vostok pipeline via Mongolia is also  by sea transport, which is 25% higher than in the
                         planned. But the biggest project is the Power of  same period last year. The increase was mainly
                         Siberia 2, an extension of the existing pipeline  due to oil shipments,” he said.
                         of the same name that would connect the mas-  Last year more than 20 vessels were built
                         sive gas fields in Yamal with China. “Active” talks  at Chinese shipyards for Russia, the official
                         have already begun, but analysts say that it will  added, noting that another two ships are being

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   29•November•2022
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