Page 6 - GLNG Week 35 2021
P. 6

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       Italy could reap gains by expanding

       its LNG import capacity

       Extra LNG could help Italy make its energy cleaner and cheaper, especially given difficulties

       in developing more renewable energy

        PERFORMANCE      ITALY could stand to benefit from increased
                         LNG import capacity, in order to further cur-
       WHAT:             tail its use of oil and coal, diversify its import
       Italy is mulling an   options, increase competition and meet rising
       expansion of its LNG   demand, especially given the country’s difficulty
       import capacity.  in developing more renewable energy.
                           Italy took 12.1bn cubic metres of LNG in
       WHY:              2020. Yet LNG accounts for a relatively small
       Comparatively high   share of gas use in the country, one of Europe’s
       prices indicate that the   largest gas markets, contributing only 17.8% in
       market could do with the   2020. The rest was covered by pipeline imports  that runs from Austria and the TGP pipeline
       increased competition   and its relatively small domestic supply.  from Switzerland. It took a further 11.5 bcm from
       that these projects would   Italy was an early developer of regasification  Algeria, using the Trans-Med pipeline, along
       bring. Extra gas would   capacity, becoming the fourth country in the  with 4.2 bcm from Libya, via the Greenstream
       also ensure that Italy   world to commission an import terminal, the  system. Some 5.4 bcm also came from Norway
       phases out coal and   2.5mn tonne per year (tpy) Panigaglia LNG  and 1.6 bcm from the Netherlands, while 8.4
       oil-fired power capacity   facility, in 1971. This allowed it to tap supplies  bcm was obtained from other producers.
       as planned.       from the Marsa El Brega LNG export plant on   Italy also began receiving supplies from
                         the other side of the Mediterranean in Libya. But  Azerbaijan at the start of this year following
       WHAT NEXT:        it was not until 2009 that Italy added its second  the completion of the Southern Gas Corridor
       Projects with a combined   import terminal, the 5.8mn tpy Adriatic LNG.  (SGC) system.
       capacity of 24bn cubic   And the third, the 2.7mn tpy Toscana FSRU, was   Despite this diversification, however, Italian
       metres per year have   added in 2013.                  gas prices are relatively high for Europe, indi-
       been proposed, but no   National regasification capacity therefore sits  cating a lack of competition. Gas from the TGP
       investment decisions   at just over 11mn tpy. And in recent years, Ita-  is typically priced at a premium to rates at the
       have been taken.  ly’s terminals have been operating at utilisation  Dutch TTF hub, because of how limited supplies
                         levels that are comparatively high for Europe,  are. And other pipelines must be used at high
                         thanks to an auction-based allocation mecha-  utilisation rates to ensure that prices are not too
                         nism introduced in April 2018. According to the  high.
                         International Gas Union (IGU), utilisation same   What is more, a handful of big players control
                         to 82% in 2020, which was the second-highest  the bulk of Italy’s imports, of which the largest
                         level in Europe behind Belgium with 90%. In  is Eni. Hindering competition further, the TGP
                         comparison, utilisation in France came to only  pipeline is not governed by EU antitrust rules, as
                         66%, while in Spain it was 37% and in the UK  it runs through Switzerland, and deliveries from
                         it was 38%.                          Gazprom are made under a long-term contract
                           Likewise, regasification capacity as a propor-  that does not expire until 2023.
                         tion of overall gas consumption is comparatively   If Italy needs more gas to improve compe-
                         low at 22.1%, versus 33.4% for the Netherlands,  tition, the answer does not lie in increased
                         71.5% for the UK and 83.5% for France.  pipeline imports. Neither Algeria nor Libya
                                                              can offer additional volumes, and given that
                         Lack of competition                  Russia is already the top supplier, taking
                         Europe’s gas markets can differ greatly, and Italy’s  more volumes from Gazprom does not seem
                         relatively small import capacity compared with  sensible. Supplies from Azerbaijan are antic-
                         consumption is not cause for concern on its own.  ipated to rise to as much as 8 bcm per year
                         Indeed Germany, the EU’s biggest gas consumer,  once the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline is working
                         is yet to complete even one regasification facility.  at full capacity, and this should help bring
                           Italy also has a fairly diverse set of options  down prices. But Italy will need to look at fur-
                         when it comes to pipeline imports. Its biggest  ther expansions in capacity to meet growing
                         supplier is Russia’s Gazprom, which delivered  demand, especially if it is serious about phas-
                         19.7 bcm of gas last year via the TAG pipeline   ing out its remaining coal capacity.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   03•September•2021
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