Page 14 - MEOG Week 29 2022
P. 14

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       two to three years.                 June stood at US$102.4 per barrel, which is   consumption of electricity of more than
         Oman’s daily average oil production has   lower than US$111 recorded in May, the NCSI  68 gigawatts for peak hours this summer
       consistently remained above one million   data showed.                   amid rising temperatures that has increased
       barrels per day during the first six months of   With global oil prices continuing to remain   demand for cooling.
       2022.                               above US$100 mark amid Russia – Ukraine   That has pushed the power plants to the
         The sultanate’s total oil exports grew by   conflict, Oman crude prices in the second   brink and caused a major increase in their
       16.2 per cent during the first six months of   quarter of 2022 rose to their highest level in   overall consumption of fuels.
       this year to 162.4mn barrels as compared   more than eight years. Oman crude price on   “The NIGC has done its utmost to supply
       with 139.8mn barrels recorded in the   Wednesday stood at US$104.63 per barrel (for   the gas needed in power plants given that
       corresponding period of 2021, the NCSI data   September delivery) at the Dubai Mercantile   power usage broke a record this summer,”
       showed.                             Exchange.                            Joulayi said.
         Total oil exports for the full year 2021 had   MUSCAT DAILY              A bulk of Iranian power plants have
       inched up 0.7 per cent to 288.96mn barrels                               been connected to the country’s nationwide
       from 287mn barrels in 2020.                                              gas pipeline network in recent years as the
         Oil exports to China, the biggest buyer of   GAS                       country has managed to boost its natural gas
       Oman’s crude, accounted for nearly 76 per                                production from southern gas fields.
       cent of the sultanate’s total oil exports during   Iran’s gas supply to power   Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji said
       the first half of this year.                                             recently that that total fuel supply delivered to
         Total exports to China grew by 6.3 per cent   plants at 294 mcm per day  power plants in the country had reached the
       at 123.1mn barrels during January – June                               equivalent of 309 mcm per day.
       period of this year compared with 115.85mn   The National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC)   Iran is currently the third largest gas
       barrels recorded in 2021.           says its supply of natural gas to power plants   producer in the world with just more than 1
         On the other hand, exports to India   in the country has reached 294 million cubic   billion cubic meters per day of production
       jumped by over 76 per cent to more than   meters (mcm) per day as warm weather   capacity.
       25.39mn barrels in the first six months of this   increases electricity demand for cooling.  The giant South Pars gas field, located on
       year from 14.42mn barrels in the same period   NIGC’s head of dispatching operations   the maritime border between Iran and Qatar
       of 2021.                            Mohammad Reza Joulayi said on Monday that  in the Persian Gulf, is responsible for more
         The average price at which Oman sold   the current gas supply to power plants in Iran   than 700 million mcm per day of output,
       its crude during the first half of 2022 surged   is 13% higher than a quota agreed between the  according to government figures.
       by nearly 61 per cent to US$90.4 per barrel   country’s ministries of oil and energy before   PRESSTV
       against US$56.2 per barrel recorded in the   summer.
       same period of 2021. The average price for   Iran has reported an all-time record

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   20•July•2022
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