Page 7 - MEOG Week 29 2022
P. 7

MEOG                                         COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

                         to tankers headed for export markets.  need more production from the US, Canada,
                           Its policy was reversed just a few weeks later  Mexico and Brazil, and then there’s the whole
                         with WTI dropping to $37 per barrel on April 20  downstream sector to talk about.”
                         with the supply hike coinciding with the spread   With Biden having taken a firm stance against
                         of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Led  the leadership of a key ‘ally’, there are rumours
                         by Saudi and Russia, OPEC+ then restricted pro-  that the House of Saud sees little reason to bend
                         duction levels and slashed spending to shelter  to his wishes.
                         their economies.
                                                              Not seeing eye to eye
                         Once bitten, twice shy               As promised, Biden pressed Crown Prince
                         Governments throughout Europe and North  Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) on human rights
                         America have watched in frustration as the hold-  issues. This was a particularly important element
                         ers of ‘spare capacity’ – predominantly Saudi and  in proceedings given that Biden had pledged to
                         the UAE – have rebuffed calls to raise output.  make the Kingdom a “pariah” owing to the mur-
                           Efforts to influence Saudi Arabian and Emi-  der in 2018 of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
                         rati oil policy show a significant underestima-  According to Saudi Minister of State for
                         tion of the importance these states – and their  Foreign Affairs, Adel al-Jubeir: “The Presi-
                         economies – place in the OPEC+ deal and while  dent raised the issue ... And the Crown Prince
                         conflict in Ukraine has seen many gas importers  responded that this was a painful episode for
                         turn their back on Russia, that country’s role in  Saudi Arabia and that it was a terrible mistake.”
                         oil market stability is a different matter.  He told Reuters that those accused of the kill-
                           Meanwhile, just as they remain keen to con-  ing have been punished with prison sentences,
                         tinue restrained oil market management, Saudi,  and noted that the US should be cautious in its
                         the UAE and, to a lesser extent, Iraq, are hesitant  approach to cultural nuance.
                         to be maxing out oil capacity.         Jubeir said that MbS told Biden: “It has not
                           Speaking to Bloomberg, Joe McGonigle,  worked when the US tried to impose values on
                         Secretary General of the International Energy  Afghanistan and Iraq. In fact, it backfired […]
                         Forum (IEF), said that while Saudi has an addi-  Countries have different values and those values
                         tional 2mn bpd in reserve, to use this would be  should be respected!”
                         “threading a needle […] because you don’t nec-  While the ‘fist pump’ deemed to be a sign
                         essarily want to give up all that spare capacity” in  of friendship between the two leaders suggests
                         case of an emergency, noting that the US Strate-  that bridges are being rebuilt, there is clearly still
                         gic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) and others around  some distance between them. Reports suggest
                         the world have been “diluted”.       that US efforts to re-engage were only stoked
                           He added: “The bottom line is: we need more  up by Riyadh cosying up to China. The coming
                         energy from all sources, not just oil. We need nat-  weeks and months will tell whether the meeting
                         ural gas, and everybody has a role to play – we  has borne fruit or not.™

       Week 29   20•July•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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