Page 5 - DMEA Week 34 2021
P. 5

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                         size and magnitude with its very clear security  with upstream assets. In April, the Department
                         implications that is situated in a free trade zone.  of Petroleum Resources (DPR) published an
                         Literally, this refinery is not in this country.”  updated list which showed that 23 refinery pro-
                           Kyari noted the energy security issues the  ject licences were active as of March.
                         country faces being reliant on imports for 100%   If they were all to be completed, they would
                         of refined product demand. “As we speak today,  provide an additional refining capacity of
                         we don’t have any strategic storage or arrange-  1.09mn bpd. Sylva said the “programme is on
                         ment. So no country will allow any venture of  course”.
                         this nature to exist without having a seat on its   “Modular refineries, we have licensed quite a
                         board.”                              bit. I am not in a position to give you an exact fig-
                           He highlighted the finances of the deal which  ure now but I know that a few of these refineries
                         provide NNPC with significant upside. Because  are under construction and very soon, we will be
                         Dangote Refinery is located in the Lekki Free  commissioned,” he said.
                         Trade Zone, “there are several incentives granted   He said that the Waltersmith facility is “func-
                         to this business”.                   tioning well”, noting that he had “also laid the
                           He highlighted that the investment would  foundation stone for Atlantic refinery and there
                         be $2.76bn rather than $5bn for the 20% stake,  is Niger Delta own that is ongoing”.
                         which effectively gives NNPC a net refining   “The Atlantic is not finished yet, they are very
                         capacity addition of 130,000 bpd.    much on course to finish construction by the
                           “It is simply impossible to build a refinery of  first quarter of next year and there are others that
                         that capacity with that amount of money. This  are ongoing,” he added.
                         is not just a refinery, but a refinery with a pet-  These facilities are the 2,000 bpd and 7,000
                         rochemical component. So somebody has done  bpd units under development by Atlantic Inter-
                         all the [grunt] work for us, and we are taking a  national Refineries and Petrochemical Ltd at
                         stake in it.”                        Okpoama in Bayelsa State and by OPAC Refin-
                           Comments like these are unlikely to endear  eries at Umuseti in Delta.
                         Dangote to the arrangement, with Kyari alluding   Sylva added that construction on the OPAC
                         to this in his comments.             unit was now complete and the plant has entered
                           “Mr Dangote may not be excited with it […]  commissioning, while the 5,000 bpd Niger Delta
                         taking stake was at the [insistence] of the NNPC.  Petroleum Resources (Train 3) hydro-skimming
                         I believe up to this moment, Mr Dangote does  unit at Ogbele in Rivers State has progressed to
                         not want us to take equity in this plant.”  the same stage.
                           However, he concluded on a positive note:   Of the 23 refineries listed, only Waltersmith
                         “This is a very informed policy decision that will  has been completed, while the licence for the
                         guarantee security because we will have a seat –  20,000 bpd Conodit Refinery Nigeria Ltd unit
                         we will have right to 20% of the production from  in Delta State is believed to have expired in July,
                         this facility.”                      though Sylva made no mention of this.
                                                                Downstream MEA (DMEA) understands
                         Modular update                       that the Azikel Hydroskimming Modular Refin-
                         Meanwhile, with NNPC expecting Port Har-  ery in Bayelsa State will come into operation later
                         court’s first refined products following the  this year with a throughput processing capacity
                         repairs to be delivered by September next year  of 12,000 bpd of crude to produce around 1.3mn
                         and a contract awarded for the overhaul of  litres per year of premium motor spirit (gaso-
                         the smaller Kaduna (110,000 bpd) and Warri  line), diesel, kerosene, cooking gas (LPG) and a
                         (125,000 bpd) facilities, the company has enough  small amount of heavy fuel oil.
                         irons in fires.                        While NNPC works to rehabilitate and inor-
                           With that in mind, Minister of State for  ganically acquire refining capacity, independent
                         Petroleum Resources Timipre Sylva this week  developers are making steady progress and, all
                         provided an update on the progress of various  going to plan, could bring around 26,000 bpd
                         modular refineries that while offering only mar-  of new capacity on stream within the next few
                         ginal capacity gains, are designed to integrate  months.™

       Week 34   26•August•2021                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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