Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 09 2023
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       effectively reducing our net leverage ratio to   full year 2022.         the compulsory purchase of legacy Maersk
       2.2x at year-end. Financially and operationally,   MAMMOTH ENERGY SERVICES, February 23,   Drilling shareholders in November and open
       we reported impressive achievements during   2023                        market share repurchases conducted during
       the year, as revenues increased 38%, Adjusted                            December pursuant to Noble’s previously
       EBITDA grew 58%, and overall tons sold   Noble Corporation               announced share repurchase programme),
       increased 14% year-over-year.                                            with additional share repurchases in January
       US SILICA HOLDINGS, February 24, 2023  announces fourth quarter          totalling $10mn.
                                                                                NOBLE, February 27, 2023
       Mammoth Energy Services  and full year 2022 results                      Diamond Offshore
       announces fourth quarter            Noble Corporation today reported fourth   announces fourth-quarter
                                           quarter and full year 2022 results.
       and full year 2022 results          the fourth quarter of 2022 totalled $586mn
                                              Contract drilling services revenue for
       Mammoth Energy Services, Inc. today   compared to $289mn in the third quarter,   2022 results
       reported financial and operational results   with the increase primarily attributable to   Contract drilling revenue for the fourth
       for the fourth quarter and full year ended   the business combination. Marketed fleet   quarter, excluding reimbursable revenue,
       December 31, 2022.                  utilisation was 88% in the three months ended   totalled $208mn compared to $190mn in the
         Fourth quarter 2022 total revenue was   December 31, 2022, compared to 89% in the   third quarter of 2022. The increase in revenue
       $102.9mn, an increase of 80% compared   previous quarter. Contract drilling services   was due to a full quarter of operation in
       to $57.2mn for the same quarter of 2021.   costs for the fourth quarter were $366mn, up   Senegal for the Ocean BlackHawk, the Ocean
       Total revenue for the full year of 2022 was   from $186mn in the third quarter of 2022.   BlackLion operating for a full quarter at its
       $362.1mn, an increase of 58% compared to   Adjusted EBITDA for the three months ended   higher dayrate, and the Vela going on contract
       $229.0mn in 2021.                   December 31, 2022 was $157mn compared to   in the fourth quarter. The increased revenue
         Net income for the fourth quarter of 2022   $97mn in the third quarter of 2022. Capital   was partially offset by reduced revenues from
       was $4.8mn, or $0.10 per share, compared   expenditures totalled $77mn in the fourth   the Ocean Onyx, which was cold stacked
       to a net loss of $13.3mn, or a $0.28 loss per   quarter and $194mn for the full year ending   during the quarter, and the Ocean Endeavor
       share, for the same quarter of 2021. Net loss   December 31, 2022. Net cash provided by   which was in the shipyard for repairs,
       for the full year of 2022 was $0.6mn, or $0.01   operating activities for the fourth quarter was   regulatory surveys, and steel renewals.
       per fully diluted share, compared to net loss   $171mn and free cash flow was $106mn. Our   Contract drilling expense as a percentage
       of $101.4mn, or $2.18 per fully diluted share   business combination with Maersk Drilling   of revenue remained relatively flat compared
       for 2021.                           closed on October 3, 2022. Results for the   to the prior quarter despite expenses
         Adjusted EBITDA was $24.1mn for the   fourth quarter reflect the combined company   associated with the reactivation of the Ocean
       fourth quarter of 2022, an increase of 40%   for 90 out of 92 days of the period.  GreatWhite, the Vela commencing its maiden
       compared to $17.2mn for the same quarter of   The company’s balance sheet as of   contract under Diamond management, and
       2021. Adjusted EBITDA increased to $86.1mn   December 31, 2022, reflected total debt of   the Ocean Endeavor being in shipyard for two
       for the full year of 2022 compared to ($11.6)  $673 million and cash (and cash equivalents)   months of the quarter.
       mn for 2021. During the fourth quarter of   of $476mn. Subsequent to the end of the   Adjusted EBITDA for the fourth quarter
       2022, Mammoth recognised bad debt expense   fourth quarter, we elected to pay off the   was $12.5mn compared to $18.4mn in the
       of $3.5mn due to a previously disclosed legal   $150mn Danish Ship Finance term loan   prior quarter, primarily as a result of the
       settlement. Excluding this expense, adjusted   with excess cash on the balance sheet.   reactivation expenses associated with the
       EBITDA would have been $27.6mn for the   During the fourth quarter, Noble executed   Ocean GreatWhite. Net loss for the fourth
       fourth quarter of 2022 and $89.6mn for the   on $86mn of share repurchases (including   quarter was $52.4mn compared to net income

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   02•March•2023
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