Page 15 - TURKRptSep21
P. 15

 2.6 Turkish state in action
    On August 11, a pogrom was held against Syrians in Ankara. This was not a natural reaction by the group of people concerned. No ordinary person in such circumstances violently attacks his neighbours without some kind of organised trigger.
Turkey is accustomed to such pogroms. The Turkish state has been the perpetrator behind all of them.
Separately, in Konya province, a Kurdish family was killed.
   2.7 Data reliability
    The reliability of Turkey’s official economic data, including TUIK’s data, the finance ministry’s budget data and the central bank’s balance of payments data is questionable. On August 19, the central bank revised its data sets on the external debt, net international investment position (IIP), real sector FX position and portfolio flows. It’s a pity. We used to at least make use of the weekly portfolio flows, assuming that the data was reliable. There’s really no need to wonder: yes, all the data set revisions produced positive results.
    15 TURKEY Country Report September 2021

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