Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 24
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

       Mexico’s refining strategy

       leads to HSFO oversupply

       The government is pushing Pemex to produce more gasoline

       and is finding itself with too much fuel oil as a result

                         GLOBAL fuel and energy demand has dropped   Demand down, production up
                         precipitously since the advent of the corona-  Mexico’s government introduced lockdown
       WHAT:             virus (COVID-19) pandemic, and it remains   measures on March 23, in a move that led
       Mexico’s refinery   relatively low even as governments begin to lift   to reduced activity at Pemex’s oilfields and
       utilisation rates have   some of the public health restrictions they intro-  refineries.
       risen, despite the   duced earlier in the year.          The slowdown did not last for long, though.
       coronavirus-related drop   Mexico is certainly no exception to this   Recently published government data show that
       in demand.        trend, which has affected the entire planet. Like   refinery utilisation rates climbed from an aver-
                         so many other countries, it has seen crude oil,   age of 38% in April to around 44% in the week
       WHY:              natural gas and petroleum product consump-  ending on May 1. Likewise, Pemex went from
       Pemex is now producing   tion decline within the last few months.  producing around 190,000 barrels per day of
       more HSFO than it can   Nevertheless, the country’s oil-refining   gasoline as of mid-March to turning out 248,000
       sell.             industry is actually working to ramp up pro-  bpd in the week ending on May 1.
                         duction, in line with President Andres Manuel   These data show that refinery utilisation rates
       WHAT NEXT:        Lopez Obrador’s plans for turning Pemex, the   and gasoline yields were already on the way up
       Mexico City hopes the   national oil company (NOC), into an engine of   by mid-May, when Mexican authorities began
       national power provider   economic growth. Its efforts to do so appear to   reversing the shutdown. And while the govern-
       can absorb the excess,   be succeeding, but higher output levels are not   ment has not yet published official data covering
       but demand will not rise   likely to yield the economic growth the presi-  the entire month of May or the first half of June,
       immediately.      dent has predicted. Instead, they may create a   there is no reason to believe that conditions have
                         new set of problems.                 changed within the last few weeks.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   18•June•2020
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