Page 5 - FSUOGM Week 34 2022
P. 5

FSUOGM                                       COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

                         scenarios for Russian energy diversification to   Western allies are looking to impose a global
                         China are highly contingent.”        price cap on Russian oil, by threatening to deny
                           Russia has already reached a deal to sell an  importers access to insurance for tankers unless
                         extra 10 bcm per year of gas to China via a new  they agree to pay no more than a certain price.
                         Far East route, building on the 38 bcm per year   “This would mean that Indian buyers would
                         it is already contracted to deliver at peak via the  have to take more risks and rely on a less devel-
                         Power of Siberia pipeline. But sanctions have  oped insurance market,” Shagina notes. “From
                         hindered the development of the offshore fields  a political standpoint, China and Russia’s tight-
                         that would be needed to supply this gas.  ening strategic partnership, and Moscow’s
                           Moscow and Beijing have also discussed  expanding relationship with Pakistan, would
                         sending an additional 6 bcm per year of gas  make India’s increasing energy reliance on Rus-
                         via Power of Siberia, but James Henderson, an  sia difficult to sustain.”
                         expert at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies   With the EU committing to end its reliance
                         (OIES), notes that it would take until the second  on Russian energy by 2027, and the bloc acceler-
                         half of this decade for the pipeline to increase  ating its energy transition, it is clear that Russia’s
                         flow to the full 44 bcm per year.    dominance as an energy supplier to the con-
                           Russia's largest project in the works is Power  tinent will wane, even if some of Brussels’ tar-
                         of Siberia 2, which would pump 50 bcm per  gets prove overly ambitious. Russia has already
                         year of gas to China via Mongolia, from fields  helped realise EU’s goals through its own actions,
                         that currently serve the European market. But a  having substantially reduced its gas exports to
                         gas deal for these supplies is not yet in place, and  the bloc in recent years, forcing countries to push
                         Henderson doubts that deliveries could begin  on with LNG import projects as fast as possible,
                         before 2027 at the earliest, with 2030 a more  and irrevocably tarnishing Russia’s reputation
                         likely start date.                   as a reliable supplier. Just a year ago, Moscow
                           Russia also has aspirations to rapidly expand  was touting its potential to become a major blue
                         its LNG export capacity prior to the invasion of  hydrogen exporter to Europe, securing it a place
                         Ukraine, but with Western financiers, contrac-  in the energy transition even as demand for
                         tors and suppliers largely barred from partic-  hydrocarbons starts to recede over the coming
                         ipating in these projects, there are significant  decades. That aspiration is now truly dead.
                         obstacles.                             “Furthermore, without access to foreign
                           If Russian gas exports to Europe drop to 50  technology and capital, it will be a tall order
                         bcm per year in the next couple of years, Russia  for Russia to launch its own green transforma-
                         will be unable to replace volumes with additional  tion,” Shagina writes. “Russia’s best chance to
                         Asian sales, Henderson notes. But Russia might  achieve lies, again, with China. Given Beijing’s
                         be able to achieve a rebalancing of its export  slow phase-out of gas, its decarbonisation plan
                         flows by the early 2030s, if it can deliver on its  is compatible with Moscow’s own resistance to
                         project pipeline.                    an aggressively green agenda. China might also
                           “China’s oil demand is forecast to peak in  be the only source available to Russia of clean
                         2027, and its commitment to net-zero emissions  investments and green technology in exchange
                         by 2060 could well diminish the need for Russian  for Russian hydrogen.
                         gas supply,” Shagina says.             “This,” she continues, “leaves Russia at China’s
                           India has also been expanding Russian oil  mercy. Moscow will become ever more reliant
                         purchases in recent months, taking advantage of  on Beijing, intensifying the imbalance in their
                         their discounted prices as a result of sanctions.  already strongly asymmetrical relationship. Bei-
                         Over the past few months Russia has emerged  jing is likely to capitalise on Moscow’s isolation,
                         as India’s biggest oil supplier, expanding its  much as it did after sanctions were imposed over
                         share of the country’s import mix from only  its illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, dictat-
                         1.3% to 25%. But Shagina notes that any further  ing the conditions on energy deals and extract-
                         increase would run into technical and logistical  ing maximum benefits while avoiding exposure
                         challenges.                          to sanctions.
                           “Rerouting Russian oil to India would have   “Russia, for its part, has little leeway for hedg-
                         to be done via sea routes,” she writes. “This will  ing given the breadth of the post-invasion sanc-
                         be harder after the EU and UK’s insurance bans  tion coalitions, which include Asian countries
                         become effective, as European and British insur-  such as Japan and South Korea,” Shagina con-
                         ance companies control over 90% of the insur-  cludes. “Russia’s days as an energy superpower
                         ance market for oil tankers.”        appear to be over.” ™

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