Page 12 - DMEA Week 15 2022
P. 12
POLICY supports the national economy. immediate effect, changed the employment
H.E referred to the joint work to solve all status of 309 Contractors to full-time
Iraqi ministry confirms the problems and close the gap left by the past employees.
Those contractors employed have provided
years disputes, and to launch a new phase of
Kurdistan plans cooperation in a way that serves the public services for LPRC for period ranging from
4 to 20 years without medical and dental
The Minister of Oil confirmed the Ministry The Minister of Oil added that the benefits for themselves and their children and
of Oil’s commitment to the basic principles delegation of the region will return to consult dependents.
that the ministry was previously proposed to with his government, in order to start another The decision by LPRC to hire these
manage the oil issue in Kurdistan region. round of dialogues and discussions, praising contractors was based on their experience
The Minister of Oil, Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar the understanding of the members of the and competence to effectively transform the
Ismail, said in a joint press conference with delegation for the topics addressed in the company.
the head of KRG delegation, Mr. Khaled meeting. Speaking to employees at the Product
Shwani, that the basic principles included On his part, the head of the regional Storage Terminal (PST) in Monrovia, Hon.
sending all contracts and agreements delegation, Khaled Shwani, said that the Coleman said that though the matter has
concluded by KRG with countries and meetings were characterized by frankness, been lingering for a while, her decision was
oil companies for the purpose of being as it was agreed to put in place mechanisms in support of the Government of Liberia Pro-
reviewed, amended and improved, as well that could form a future plan of action to poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development
as transferring the contracting party from address the oil problem in all its aspects in a which seeks to empower its citizens by
the Ministry of Natural Resources to an oil radical way, stressing that the oil and gas law providing employment opportunities as a way
company to be established for this purpose is the best solution to solve all problems, and of improving their living standard.
under a resolution issued by the Council of that this meeting was a good beginning for Speaking further, LPRC Managing
Ministers. cooperation between the Ministry of Oil and Director urged employees to take their jobs
This company is to be based in Erbil, the KRG. seriously and be more proactive especially in
owned by the federal authority, and The meeting was attended by the ministry regards to upholding their integrity.
authorized to manage the entire oil activity deputies and a number of officials and FPA
in accordance with the powers, standards committees concerned in the National Oil
and protocols prepared and evaluated by Company and the relevant departments in the Kenya deports Bergeron to
the National Oil Company and the Federal Ministry of Oil headquarter. The delegation
Ministry of Oil. of the region included a number of officials France
The Minister of Oil indicated that the basic in the KRG and the Ministry of Natural
principles also include opening an escrow Resources, including three officials with the Rubis Energy Kenya chief executive officer
bank account in any international banks rank of minister. Jean-Christian Bergeron has been deported by
for the purpose of depositing all revenues MOO the East African country’s government to his
of selling and exporting crude oil from the native France.
region. This account shall be owned by Kenya’s Acting Petroleum and Mining
the Ministry of Finance and would secure COMPANIES Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma said Bergeron
payments for the region in case the Federal was deported on Wednesday night, April 13,
Ministry of Finance is late in sending it. Liberia refiner has more and warned action will be taken against any
The Minister of Oil stressed that the firm that contributed to the country’s refined
ministry is keen on developing the oil and than 300 contractors oil products shortage.
gas industry in all parts of Iraq, according She said on Thursday during a press
to international technical and professional The Management of Liberia Petroleum conference at Kawi (Energy) Complex in
mechanisms and standards, and on working Refining Co. (LPRC) under the leadership Kenya’s capital Nairobi that oil marketing
to maximize financial revenues, in a way that of Hon. Marie Urey Coleman has with companies (OMCs) that are not ready to
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 15 14•April•2022