Page 18 - DMEA Week 50 2020
P. 18
Sipchem, Linde team up to five bridge canopies, 10 multimedia fuel him all fortuity and success. Also, the board
The new service station is equipped with
of directors wished a resounding success
develop industrial gases dispensers and five fuel tanks with a capacity to Al-Saadoon in his new role as Sipchem
of 15,000 imperial gallons. It is also powered
projects in Saudi Arabia with stage two vapour recovery systems to
reduce emissions while the fuel is stored
Sahara International Petrochemical into storage tanks and during refuelling of Fire hits pipeline running
Company (Sipchem) and Linde GMBH vehicles. It is powered with a fully automated
signed an exclusive partnership agreement fuel system with auto tank gauging as well as to Iran’s second-largest
for a 50/50 joint venture (JV) to develop an electronic leak detection system.
industrial gases projects and networks in Saif Humaid Al Falasi, Group CEO refinery after landslide
Saudi Arabia. of ENOC, said, “As we conclude the year
The 20-year JV aims to build up a 2020, we remain committed to develop Firefighters by late on December 13 had
world-class industrial gases network in robust retail infrastructure and support the contained most of a blaze that broke
Jubail Industrial City by connecting, via government’s aspirations towards the next out after the Maroun pipeline carrying
pipeline, the existing hydrogen and syngas 50 years under the guidance of His Highness crude oil to Iran’s second-largest refinery,
plants owned and operated by the two Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Isfahan, was ruptured by a landslide, the
parties, according to a bourse disclosure on Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler head of the state company in charge of oil
Tuesday. of Dubai. This is reflected in our expansion pipelines told the Iranian oil ministry’s
“The main focus will be on the plans across Dubai, Ajman and Northern news agency SHANA.
development of new production facilities Emirates. The new service station in Ajman “Most of the fire ... has been contained
in order to supply carbon monoxide, is a testament to our efforts to support the and operations teams are repairing the
hydrogen, syngas ammonia, and associated economic growth of the Emirate; ensuring damaged section of the pipeline,” Qasem
gases alongside efficient solutions for the a steady and uninterrupted fuel supply to Arab Yarmohammadi was quoted as saying.
decarbonisation of downstream production residents and commuters.” Much of Iran’s oil and petrochemical
in industrial clusters in the kingdom,” the Built in accordance with global best industry infrastructure is antiquated and in
statement read. practices in the retail fuel industry, severe need of revamping. The pipeline was
Moreover, the strategic JV is expected the station is built with complete retail initially created under the Shah of Iran in
to open the door to substantial investment automation and modern construction the 1960s following an oilfield discovery in
opportunities of approximately $500 million standards and is compliant with Ajman 1963.
over the next five years subject to the Municipality green standards.. Khosro Kiani, an emergency official
economic viability. in south-western Iran, where the blaze
In a separate filing, Sipchem said it plans occurred, was cited by semi-official news
to mothball the Polybutylene Terephthalate Sipchem announces agency Tasnim as saying that the oil had
(PBT) plant owned by its affiliate Sipchem spilled down a hard-to-access valley, which
Chemical Company, and Ethylene Vinyl resignation of Saleh M firefighting equipment could not reach.
Acetate (EVA) Film, owned by Saudi There have been several previous
Specialized Products Company, an affiliate. Bahamdan, appoints new instances of spillage from the pipeline that
“Steps to give effect to this decision are have affected agriculture and fishing, state
underway. Mothball of both plants will start CEO news agency IRNA reported.
on 1 January 2021 until further notice,” the The pipeline and field are owned by
statement noted. Sipchem announced that its board of the state-owned National Iranian Oil Co.
The mothball of these two plants directors has approved in its meeting (NIOC). A contract awarded by National
is expected to reflect positively on the held on December 15 2020, accepting the Iranian South Oil Co. (NISOC) earlier this
company’s financials starting from the first resignation of the company’s CEO, Saleh year went to Sina Energy Development Co.
quarter (Q1) of 2021. M Bahamdan, upon his request for his to carry out drilling and repair work on 18
retirement, provided that the resignation wells as well as building pipelines for Phases
will take effect from January 1 2021. 1 and 4 of the Marun field.
ENOC Group opens new in the same meeting held on the Mostazafan Foundation, a religious
The board of directors also decided,
Sina Energy is owned by the Bonyad-e
service station in Ajman above mentioned date, based on the endowment for war veterans and the poor.
Both fall under the Execution of Imam
recommendation of the Remuneration and
ENOC Group on Decembr 17 announced the Nominations Committee, to approve the Khomeini’s Order (EIKO).
opening of its new service station in Al Tallah appointment of Abdullah S Al-Saadoon Isfahan refinery has a capacity of about
Road in Ajman. This brings the total number as the CEO of Sipchem. Al-Saadoon will 375,000 barrels per day (bpd).
of ENOC’s service stations to four in Ajman commence his role as the CEO of Sipchem Marun contains estimated recoverable
and 148 across the UAE. on January 1 2021. oil reserves of 22bn barrels, making it
Al Tallah road is densely populated and In this regard, the board of directors the world’s sixth-biggest onshore oilfield.
is also a key route that leads to the E311 expressed its sincere thanks and The field also has a rough extraction rate
highway. The new service station will cater appreciation to Bahamdan for his estimate of 520,000 bpd..
to the residents in Ajman as well as the outstanding performance and great efforts
commuters who travel to neighbouring during the period in which he assumed the
emirates. position of CEO of the company, wishing
P18 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 50 17•December•2020