Page 18 - LatAmOil Week 29 2020
P. 18

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Columbus are currently in a proposed merger  these will not be executed at unrealistic prices as  the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, with
       that under the Scheme Document prevents the  management believes that specific assets can be  installed capacity of 75mn cubic metres per day.
       disposal of any material asset.     enhanced in value only through the application   The group formed by ENGIE and CDPQ has
         Accordingly, Predator will progress discus-  of its particular skill sets and proven track record  a 90% stake in TAG, acquired from Petrobras in
       sions further with Columbus when facilitated  in the countries where it operates.  June 2019.
       by conclusion of the Columbus proposed merger   Predator Oil & Gas Holdings, July 22 2020  Petrobras, July 20 2020
       and before the expiry of the period under the
       WPA relating to Predator’s rights upon a change   Petrobras concludes the
       of control of FRAM, insofar as it may or may not                         PERFORMANCE
       impact Predator’s forward planning for expan-  sale of TAG
       sion of CO2 EOR activities in the Inniss-Trinity                         Trinidad: Trinity Exploration
       field.                              Petrobras, following up on the press release of
         Predator is recommending to carry out an  March 13, 2020, informs that it has entered into   announces Q2-2020
       oil rate test for well AT-5X within the next two  a share purchase and sale agreement, regarding
       weeks to assess the impact of significant CO2  its remaining 10% interest in Transportadora   operational update
       injection to date on the potential for oil to flow  Associada de Gás (TAG), with the group formed
       from the injected reservoirs in Inniss-Trinity  by ENGIE and Caisse de dépôt et placement du  Trinity Exploration & Production, the inde-
       at enhanced rates and to assess changes in the  Québec (CDPQ).           pendent E&P company focused on Trinidad and
       properties of the oil with which to re-calibrate   The value of the transaction was BRL1.1bn.  Tobago, has provided an update on its operations
       the CO2 injection parameters if required. Effec-  Considering the discount of BRL110mn already  for the three-month period ended June 30, 2020.
       tiveness and retention of CO2 sequestration  received in June as dividends and the other   Trinity has continued to combine growing
       capacity can also be assessed.      adjustments foreseen in the contract, the trans-  production levels, a low operating break-even
         Financing: The cash consideration for an  action was concluded for BRL1.0bn, fully paid  and a technically advanced operating capabil-
       acquisition of FRAM would be financed by  today.                         ity with a robust financial position, putting the
       a local Trinidadian company in return for it   Comparing the value of this operation with  Company in an exceptional position to contem-
       being assigned operatorship and certain rights  the value of 90% of TAG sale in June 2019, it is  plate new investment opportunities.
       as defined in the Incremental Production Ser-  necessary to consider that TAG’s debt increased   Significantly, production levels were main-
       vices Contract for the Inniss-Trinity field , sub-  from BRL2bn to BRL23bn, which generated a  tained during Q2-2020 with production vol-
       ject to consent from the MEEI and Heritage  payment of BRL2bn to Petrobras, already con-  umes averaging 3,272 bpd, yielding a H1-2020
       for any proposed Change of Control of FRAM.  sidered in the total amount disclosed at the  average of 3,282 bpd. The Group’s unaudited
       POGT would retain the tax losses in FRAM and  close of the 90% stake sale, as disclosed in the  cash balances increased to $19.7mn as at June
       the profits from its Pilot Enhanced Oil Recov-  third-quarter 2019 result.  30, 2020 ($13.8mn (audited), as at December
       ery in the AT-4 Block using injected Carbon   This transaction represents another impor-  31, 2019).
       Dioxide (Pilot CO2 EOR) , on terms similar to  tant milestone for the opening of the natural gas   The Company reduced its pre-hedge income
       those defined in the current WPA, except that in  sector in Brazil, and with it, Petrobras fulfills, 18  operating break-even (revenues less royalties,
       addition, on Completion of an Offer to acquire  months in advance, one of the commitments  opex and G&A) by over 15% quarter-on-quarter
       FRAM, POGT shall be entitled to the profits  assumed under the Agreement signed with the  to $22.6 per barrel (unaudited) (Q1-2020: $26.7
       from all future CO2 EOR operations anywhere  Administrative Council for Economic Defense  per barrel (unaudited)). After hedging income,
       within the confines of the Inniss-Trinity field on  (CADE) on July 8, 2019.  this translates into an effective operating break-
       the same commercial terms as currently exist for   TAG is a company operating in the natural  even of $21.6 per barrel, indicating that the
       the AT-4 Block.                     gas transportation segment, currently holding  Company is well on track to meet its target oper-
         New opportunities: Separate to an Offer to  long-term permits to operate and manage a  ating break-even (inclusive of hedging income)
       acquire FRAM, POGT and the local Trinidad-  4,500 km gas pipeline system, located mainly in  of $20.5 per barrel for FY 2020.
       ian company have agreed to look at evaluating
       together two new CO2 EOR opportunities in
       existing fields onshore Trinidad together with
       a potential collaboration onshore Guyana,
       whereby Predator can provide its technology,
       experience and skills to, at Predator’s sole discre-
       tion, have the option to participate in any new
       joint venture arising from our joint evaluation
       of the opportunities.
         Paul Griffiths, Chief Executive of Predator,
       commented: “We are looking to begin to execute
       our M&A strategy by building on the businesses
       we have initiated and developed in three sepa-
       rate jurisdictions. New opportunities in Trini-
       dad and potentially Guyana, combined with our
       exclusivity over Trinidad’s surplus liquid CO2
       supply and our successful implementation of
       CO2 sequestration, creates the catalyst for val-
       ue-enhancing M & A transactions. However,

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   23•July•2020
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