Page 16 - MEOG Week 44 2021
P. 16

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       discovery of new oil fields. It is only based on   some bonds were issued and sold.  projects in the face of tough sanctions and
       identification of oil layers as well as technical   Mohammadi said: “In order to maintain   COVID-19 and unprecedented inflation.
       studies on the data acquired from the current   the status and influential role of NISOC in   Mohammadi said that new capacity
       hydrocarbon reservoirs of NISOC.    national economy, various initiatives and   building to make up for production fall-off
         It has to be taken into account that an oil   practices were employed; the most important   was a key achievement of these strategic
       reservoir could not be extracted entirely. The   of which were implementing EPC and EPD   projects.
       average rate of recovery from an oil reservoir   projects in 28 oil reservoirs that had been   SHANA
       stands at 28%, but new technologies and   designed since 2017.”
       enhanced oil recovery (EOR) may increase it   Due to tough sanctions, NISOC’s
       further.                            contractors were required to supply 80% of   SERVICES
         Mohammadi said NISOC’s production   commodities needed for the projects from
       capacity had been raised despite tough   domestic manufacturing companies.  Bahri expands VLCC oil fleet
       sanctions, COVID-19 outbreak and       Mohammadi noted that despite the
       unprecedentedly high inflation rate. He   COVID-19 impact on the labor market across   with new tanker
       added that the natural pressure fall-off in   the globe, drilling rigs did not remain idle.
       production from some oil wells had also been   Furthermore, he said, sustainable employment  Bahri, the Kingdom’s national shipping
       compensated to a large extent.      and local manpower hiring became a must.  carrier, has expanded its Very Large Crude
         He said that the latest round of sanctions   Noting that the 28-reservoir project is   Carrier fleet to 42 with the addition of its first
       against Iran’s petroleum industry, which   considered a green project in the petroleum   “gas ready” vessel, named “Rayah,” it said in a
       were imposed in 2018, caused the toughest   industry, he said: “In this regard, the addition   statement on Sunday.
       restrictions for oil production and export.  of gas flares has also been prevented. The   The tanker that can run on gas is built
         Mohammadi said the US had imposed   measure was seriously pursued in order   by International Maritime Industries and
       sanctions on Iran to bring the country’s oil   to prevent the occurrence of harmful   Hyundai Heavy Industries at the latter’s
       production down to zero. “The US failed to   environmental impacts, and all contractors   shipyard in Ulsan, South Korea. Bahri signed
       realize its objective due to the round-the-clock  are obliged to prepare environmental impact   a SR371 million ($98.9 million) contract
       efforts made by petroleum industry staff.   assessment (EIA) before implementation of   signed in September 2019 to build it.
       However, it is noteworthy that this round of   their projects.”            The construction of the vessel marks the
       sanctions is tougher than those imposed in   In the implementation of the 28-reservoir   successful completion of IMI’s first VLCC
       early 2010.”                        project, a complete chain of work has been   project, the statement said.
         The previous round of sanctions imposed   considered with the aim of achieving a   Saudi Arabia made impressive progress in
       by the US were aimed at limiting Iran’s oil   complete result, so the result of the work of   maritime connectivity at the regional level,
       exports to 1 mb/d, but this time, the objective   the general contractor in this project is to   according to the UN Conference on Trade
       was to zero Iran’s oil exports. However, thanks   achieve the main goal of oil production for the   and Development report for the third quarter
       to initiatives by various organs, Iran’s oil   country.                  of 2021.
       exports continued as much as possible.  In addition, 28 reservoir contracts were   The Kingdom achieved 70.68 points in the
         Nonetheless, the current round of   awarded to E&P contractors (exploration   Maritime Connectivity Index, which is the
       sanctions largely decreased Iran’s oil   and production companies) and consortia   highest in the region, said the report.
       production and exports, thereby slashing   of companies active in the field of EPC   The index includes several sub-indicators,
       Iran’s oil income.                  (engineering, production, contracting) and   most notably, the number of scheduled visits
         As NIOC saw its budget fall sharply, the   EPD contractors (design, production and   by ships to the country within a week, capacity
       necessary financing for continued production   drilling).                of the ships in standard units, in addition to
       from oil fields, household and industrial gas   They were all Iranians who won tender   the number of regular service paths provided
       supply and feedstock for petrochemical and   bids, which led to the growth of upstream   by shipping lines to and from the country.
       refining plants had to be provided. Therefore,   contractors and continuation of development   ARAB NEWS

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 44   03•November•2021
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