Page 21 - TURKRptDec20
P. 21

     2.7​ ​Politics - misc
       A 7-magnitude earthquake ​hit​ Izmir,​ causing no significant economic costs.
On November 23, ​German forces that are part of an EU military mission that enforces a UN arms embargo on Libya ​boarded​ and attempted to search a Turkish cargo ship​.
Armenian PM ​agreed​ a ​deal​ to e​ nd​ the Karabakh war after rapid Azerbaijani advance​. Protesters ​stormed​ government buildings in Yerevan.
Iran and Russia were up to an agreement to recognize Azerbaijan’s gains in the region.
Elshad Nassirov, vice-president of Azerbaijan’s national energy company SOCAR​, was ​quoted​ by Reuters on November 5 as saying a ​$5bn​ extension of the Southern ​Gas​ Corridor (SCG) network would be ready this month to take up to 10bn cubic metres a year from the giant Shah Deniz gas field in the Caspian Sea to ​Europe​.
The Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), a part of SCG, runs from the Turkish-Greek​ border through Greece and ​Albania​ and across the seabed of the Adriatic Sea before making landfall in ​Italy​.
BP​, which leads the international consortium developing Shah Deniz, said last month that it was looking to strengthen security at its facilities in Azerbaijan after claims of attacks on the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan part of the SGC route that runs from Azerbaijan to Turkey via Georgia.
Shah Deniz is expected to reach peak output in 2023, around the time that TAP would also hit full capacity.
Turkey on November 13 ​slammed​ a report by the UN Human Rights Council accusing Ankara of recruiting men from its local allies in Syria to fight for Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh​.
Iran ​‘hopes​ foreign militants involved in the Karabakh war have gone home’.
Ukraine is reportedly ​forming​ a joint venture company with Turkey to domestically produce as many as 48 of the Turkish Bayraktar TB2 combat drones​ that lately helped give Azerbaijan a decisive edge in the six-week Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
           2.8​ ​Polls and sociology
   A survey has ​shown​ 54% of Turkish CFOs expect revenues to return to pre-pandemic levels after Q2 2021. It was conducted by Deloitte’s for Autumn 2020.
A quarter of Turks prefer to keep their ​savings in gold and FX under the mattress​, according to the Turkey Saving Trends ​Survey​ for Q3 by ING Turkey. That’s been the most popular saving instrument among Turks for centuries.
Turks don’t trust the Turkish state nor the system, which the Turkish state has been a part of since 1980.
   21​ TURKEY Country Report​ December 2020 ​ ​

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