Page 23 - TURKRptDec20
P. 23

          On November 4, Turkish interior ministry data ​showed​ that the number of femicides in Turkey declined by 27% y/y in January-October.
The Stockholm Center for Freedom reported on November 6 that Turkey’s femicide data was a bit questionable.
There is a real question mark as whether the Turkish government relays the reality in any single field.
Turkey’s economy looks set to clock up growth of 0.3% this year, ex-finance minister Berat Albayrak ​said​ on September 29 as he outlined the country’s medium-term plan.
On November 4​, Erdogan confirmed that Turkey will release a positive GDP growth figure for 2020.
On November 17, the new finance minister ​confirmed​ 0.3% y/y (read as a positive growth around this figure) for 2020.
Forecasts will converge to the order to the statistics institute.
On November 5, the European Commission ​cut​ its 2020 contraction forecast for Turkey to 2.5% from 5.4% in May.
      4.0​ Real Economy 4.1​ Industrial production
        Electricity consumption, a gauge of industrial activity, ​was​ up 5% y/y in October but compared lower against the data for August and September.
Official industrial production ​rose​ 8.1% y/y in September.
   23​ TURKEY Country Report​ December 2020 ​ ​

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