Page 23 - TURKRptDec20
P. 23
On November 4, Turkish interior ministry data showed that the number of femicides in Turkey declined by 27% y/y in January-October.
The Stockholm Center for Freedom reported on November 6 that Turkey’s femicide data was a bit questionable.
There is a real question mark as whether the Turkish government relays the reality in any single field.
Turkey’s economy looks set to clock up growth of 0.3% this year, ex-finance minister Berat Albayrak said on September 29 as he outlined the country’s medium-term plan.
On November 4, Erdogan confirmed that Turkey will release a positive GDP growth figure for 2020.
On November 17, the new finance minister confirmed 0.3% y/y (read as a positive growth around this figure) for 2020.
Forecasts will converge to the order to the statistics institute.
On November 5, the European Commission cut its 2020 contraction forecast for Turkey to 2.5% from 5.4% in May.
4.0 Real Economy 4.1 Industrial production
Electricity consumption, a gauge of industrial activity, was up 5% y/y in October but compared lower against the data for August and September.
Official industrial production rose 8.1% y/y in September.
23 TURKEY Country Report December 2020