Page 14 - MEOG Week 05 2021
P. 14

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       COMPANIES                           Emirates, Eni is also present in Abu Dhabi and  business and strategic growth projects,” the
                                           Ras Al Khaimah.                      energy company said.
       Sharjah ruler meets ENI CEO         OGME                                 ZAWYA

       to discuss progress                 Abu Dhabi pension fund               Oman Shipping launches

       His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad   to acquire stake in ADNOC  giant oil tanker Dhalkot
       Al Qasimi, member of the Supreme Council
       of the United Arab Emirates, the Ruler of   property vehicle             Oman Shipping Company has launched a
       Sharjah, met with Eni’s Chief Executive                                  giant oil tanker.
       Officer, Claudio Descalzi, today to take stock   Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)   A statement issued online by Oman
       of Eni’s activities in the country, following its   said Tuesday that Abu Dhabi Pension Fund   Shipping Company said : “Oman Shipping
       entry in January 2019 with the acquisition of   would acquire 31 percent of the energy   Company launched the giant oil tanker
       the exploration rights for the onshore areas A,   company’s real estate vehicle.   (Dhalkot), which was built at the DSME
       B and C.                               Under the agreement, ADPF will acquire   shipyard in South Korea and is the last vessel
         Recently Eni and SNOC, the state   31 percent of Abu Dhabi Energy Real Estate   out of 3 other tankers that were launched
       company of Sharjah, announced the start of   Company (ADREC), which was created   recently last year (Sur, Bahla).This is in order
       production from the Mahani field, located   to hold ADNOC’s 51 percent stake in Abu   to consolidate its position in the global crude
       in the Concession Area B, onshore. This   Dhabi Property Leasing Holding Co, for   oil transportation market and translate
       was achieved in less than two years from the   $900 million, the energy company said in a   to further expansion in the level of its
       signing of the oil contract and in less than a   statement.              operational business. “
       year from the declaration of discovery.  The partnership with the pension fund   “The ship has a tonnage of 300,000
         Eni is also carrying out exploration   follows the announcement by ADNOC   tons and it meets all future environmental
       activities in areas A and C of the Emirate,   in September last year that it had entered   standards. The giant oil tanker “Dhalkot” is
       of which Area C is largely underexplored,   into a long-term strategic investment pact   considered the 60th ship of the company’s
       in order to contribute to the discovery of   with Apollo Global Management Inc. and   fleet.”
       additional resources for the benefit of the   its subsidiaries, one of the world’s largest   “As one of the Asyad Group companies,
       development of Sharjah.             alternative investment managers, and a group   Oman Shipping Company plays a vital role in
         H.H Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad    of institutional investors, for an underlying   the Sultanate’s endeavors to become one of the
       Al-Qasimi and Eni’s CEO also discussed   real estate portfolio valued at $5.5 billion.  top ten countries in the world in the logistics
       future opportunities relating to the energy   ADPLHC was created to leverage rental   sector, as the company supports integration
       transition and projects related to renewables,   income streams from select ADNOC real   activities across the various stages of the
       an increasingly strategic area for Eni in the   estate assets under a 24-year master lease   supply chain in the Sultanate.”
       Middle East.                        agreement. ADPLHC holds long-term      “The company provides a full range of
         SNOC and Eni are engaged in exploring   leasehold interests underpinned by a sizeable,   services, as it handles tanker ownership,
       future collaboration in the broad energy value   diversified portfolio of ADNOC real estate   technical management, maintenance and
       chain, including renewables, in line with Eni’s   assets located across Abu Dhabi.  commercial operation of ships.” the statement
       commitment for energy transition, toward   Following the transaction’s completion,   added.
       carbon neutrality.                  ADNOC will hold 69 percent and ADPF 31   TIMES OF OMAN
         Eni Chief Executive Officer Claudio   percent of ADEREC, whilst Apollo and its
       Descalzi commented: “The milestones we   subsidiaries will continue to hold 49 percent
       have achieved so far with an incredible   of ADPLHC directly.            OIL
       time-to-market is the result of the support   ADNOC will maintain full ownership and
       of Dr. Sultan III bin Muhammad al-Qasimi   control over the select real estate and social   OPEC production increase
       and the harmonious partnership between   infrastructure assets and responsibility for all
       SNOC and Eni. These are great achievements,   operations and maintenance, the statement   offset by Africa disruptions
       particularly considering the exceptional   said.
       challenges incurred during the year due to the   The partnership “allows ADNOC to unlock  OPEC boosted crude production as planned
       COVID-19 pandemic.”                 further value from non-oil and gas strategic   last month, but the increase was tempered by
         In addition to Sharjah, in the United Arab   infrastructure to redeploy into its core   disruptions at long-troubled member nations.

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