Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 34 2022
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       In connection with the new facility, certain of  reserves increased 25% to 1.292mn barrels,  this time. In addition, organic growth opportu-
       Gran Tierra’s wholly owned subsidiaries have  mainly from the Tapir Block. 1P reserves also  nities for Arrow are advancing, with the RCE-3
       also entered into commercial contracts for the  increased by 17% to 3.567mn barrels, reflect-  and RCE-4 wells on the Tapir Block in Colom-
       purchase by Trafigura of crude oil from Gran  ing the positive results from the recent drilling  bia expected to commence drilling in Q4-2022.
       Tierra’s producing fields located in Colombia.  campaign. 1P Net Present Value, before tax, dis-  Additional completions will be performed in
       The repayment of the new facility will be made  counted at 10% (NPV-10), is significantly higher  Q4-2022 on the RCE-1 and RCS-1 wells to fur-
       by way of deductions of the price payable by  with an increase of 164% to $77.7mn.  ther exploit known hydrocarbon accumulations.
       Trafigura for the crude oil delivered under such   Proved  plus  Probable  (2P  reserves):  2P  Current production from the RCE 1 and RCS 1
       contracts.                          reserves increase to 7.864mn barrels of oil. NPV-  wells is ahead of forecast in aggregate.
         Ryan Ellson, CFO of Gran Tierra, com-  10 increased to $150.4mn from $84.1mn as at   Arrow expects to re-complete the RCE-1
       mented today: “We are very pleased to have  December 31, 2021, a 79% increase.  well, in the C7 stringer zone. Arrow is currently
       successfully closed a new credit facility with   Proved plus Probable plus Possible (3P  just producing from the C7B zone at RCS-1 and
       Trafigura. In conjunction with our strong oper-  reserves):  3P  reserves  volume  increase  to  plans to re-complete this well, expecting to open
       ating cash flows and $109mn of cash on hand at  11.759mn barrels. NPV-10 grew 67% to  the C7A and C7 stringer zones in Q4-2022.
       June 30, 2022, the new facility will provide the  $223.6mn from $133.9mn as at December 31,  This will have a material impact on overall RCE
       Company with additional liquidity and financial  2021.                   production.
       flexibility.”                          Oil price and new hydrocarbon accumula-  The West Pepper well, owned 100% by Arrow
       Gran Tierra Energy, August 18 2022  tions resulted in positive additions in reserves in  and located in Canada, is producing at 240
                                           all categories.                      boepd currently, with production curtailed due
                                              Additional drilling targets have been identi-  to third party facility constraints. Expectations
       PERFORMANCE                         fied as a result of the H1-2022 drilling campaign.  are that production will return to approximately
                                           A five well program will initiate in Q4-2022 with  450 boepd in September 2022. In Q3-2022,
       Arrow issues update on              two wells in pursuit of further low-risk exploita-  Arrow expects to tie-in the East Pepper gas well
                                           tion on the RCE structure. As well, two wells are  in Canada (100% owned by Arrow). This second
       operations, upcoming                planned to develop the Carizales Norte structure  well, along with continuing and expected robust
                                           A downdip well will also be drilled at RCE to test  natural gas prices in North America, is expected
       projects and mid-year               the stratigraphic nature of the oil accumulation.  to further enhance the value of the Pepper field.
                                           This well will also serve as a water disposal well.
                                                                                  In addition to the 3D seismic survey Arrow
       reserves results                       Operational Update:               purchased earlier this year, the Company intends
                                              Corporate production as of August 15, 2022,  to execute on a 130-square km 3D seismic sur-
       Arrow Exploration is pleased to provide an  is approximately 1,450 boepd. Production from  vey on the northwest section of the Tapir block
       operations update and announce the results of  the RCE-2 well is approximately 540 bpd net  in Colombia.
       the 2022 mid-year reserve evaluation by Boury  (1,080 bpd gross) producing from the C7A and   This will further delineate low risk explora-
       Energy Consultants Ltd. (BouryGEC) as at June  C7 stringer zones. Production from the RCS-1  tion fault structures that have been identified
       30, 2022.                           well is approximately 190 bpd net (380 bpd  on 2D seismic data. The shooting of this seismic
         Highlights, Proved (1P) Reserves: PDP  gross), producing only from the new C7B zone at  survey is expected to begin in Q1-2023.

       Week 34   24•August•2022                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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