Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 42 2022
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                                 Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji (L), shown during meeting with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (R) in June 2022 (Photo: Shana)
       Reading between the lines on

       Owji’s El Palito announcement

       Was Iran’s oil minister hailing Tehran’s launch of a new oil refinery in Venezuela, or was

       he expressing relief over the resolution of a logistical problem that arose earlier this year?

                         ON its web page, Venezuela’s national oil com-  (and China’s Xinhua agency) offered a more
                         pany (NOC) PdVSA lists El Palito, a crude-pro-  nuanced rendering of the minister’s remarks.
       WHAT:             cessing plant in Carabobo State, as one of the six   SHANA and Press TV, for example, merely
       Owji noted that PdVSA’s   refineries under its ownership. It also states that   quoted Owji as saying that El Palito was now
       El Palito refinery was now   the 140,000 barrel per day (bpd) facility has been   processing some 100,000 bpd of Iranian oil, in
       processing 100,000 bpd   in operation since 1960.      a development signalling that Tehran had real-
       of Iranian crude.   As such, it was somewhat unexpected to   ised its long-time ambition of seeing Iranian
                         read a report from the Mehr news agency at the   crude delivered to Venezuela for large-scale
       WHY:              weekend that Iran had launched a refinery at   processing.
       His announcement comes   El Palito in Venezuela. But on October 16, the   “This was a long-standing and 43-year-old
       several months after the   agency quoted Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji   dream that was realised through the efforts
       signing of a package of   as saying that the country had brought its first   of my colleagues at the National Iranian Oil
       accords between Caracas
       and Tehran.       refinery online in a foreign country and could   Refining and Distribution Co. (NIORDC),” he
                         process 100,000 bpd of crude at the new El Palito   remarked.
       WHAT NEXT:        plant in the South American country.   Owji’s statements were echoed by Jalil Sal-
       Iranian authorities may   Now that the Venezuelan refinery has been   ari, the head of NIORDC, who also expressed
       also be relieved at the   completed, he added, Iran intends to proceed   satisfaction with the start of Iranian oil process-
       thought of being able to   with plans for the construction of oil-processing   ing operations at El Palito. Salari also stressed
       sign more foreign refinery   facilities in other foreign countries.  that Tehran remained keen on the prospect of
       deals.              The confusion appears to have been an error   building additional refineries outside Iranian
                         in translation, as other Iranian news agencies   territory.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   19•October•2022
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