Page 6 - FSUOGM Week 05 2023
P. 6

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Russia’s current account surplus

       falls by $16bn to $31bn in 4Q22

      The record result was driven by the rise in the value of exports of goods and services,
      up 14% y/y to $78bn, an all-time high amid high global commodity prices.

        GLOBAL           THE value of imports into Russia in the fourth  already record high a year earlier of $122bn.
                         quarter of 2022 decreased at a slower pace year   The record result was driven by the rise in the
                         on year, the Central Bank of Russia (CBR)  value of exports of goods and services, up 14%
                         reported on January 26.              y/y to $78bn, an all-time high amid high global
                           The positive change was driven by the reori-  commodity prices.
                         entation of imports to countries that had not   The current account surplus in 2022 also
                         introduced sanctions against Russia and by the  increased due to the contraction of imports,
                         expansion of parallel imports, the CBR said in  which were down by 9% y/y to $34bn.
                         a report.                              The CBR highlighted that the oil price cap
                           “In the fourth quarter, the value of goods and  scheme introduced on December 5 was a major
                         services exports started to decrease y/y, after the  factor in the dynamics of the balance of pay-
                         increase posted in the third quarter. This took  ments after exports and the price of oil plunged
                         place amid the deteriorating global price envi-  in December, causing the federal budget to end
                         ronment and tougher restrictions,” the CBR  the year with a budget deficit of 2.3% of GDP for
                         noted.                               2022.
                           In the fourth quarter the current account   The value of exports of goods and services
                         surplus decreased to $31bn versus $47bn for the  decreased by 15% y/y in the fourth quarter com-
                         same period a year earlier.          pared with 4% y/y in the third quarter.
                           “This happened mainly due to a reduction   “This is due to the deterioration in the
                         in exports due to a less favourable price envi-  dynamics of world energy prices and the weak-
                         ronment on the world market and tightening  ening of demand due to fears of a recession in the
                         restrictions,” the CBR said. “Decreasing pres-  global economy,” the CBR said.
                         sure on exports was also exerted by weakening   Brent oil price growth slowed to 11% y/y in
                         demand due to expectations of a slowdown in  4Q22 compared with 36% y/y gain in the third
                         global economic growth.”             quarter and a 64% y/y gain in the second quarter
                           Despite the fall in the last quarter of last year,  of the year.
                         the CBR pointed out that the overall result for   “The situation with Russian oil was even more
                         2022 was good. The current account surplus hit  unfavourable. The price of Urals fell by 20% y/y
                         an all-time high of $227bn, almost double the  to $63/bbl on average in 4Q22 compared to a 4%

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